Anna Takahashi



5 years, 3 months ago



nickname: Anna
age: 27
pronouns: she/her
race: Japanese
orientation: lesbian
height: 5'
occupation: retail worker
aes: HERE

Anna is a cyberscene hackergirl. Officially, she works the counter at a local adult store. Unofficially, she breaks into other people’s secure computers, though mostly for fun. Semi-officially, she draws furry art for people on the Internet. She’s small, cute, cheerful, pink, and very much a lesbian. She often banks on people underestimating her for being any of the above, and is very, very smart.


When she's in a good mood, Anna is a very cheerful, perky person. When she's in a bad mood, she's a fucking nightmare. She can very quickly decide if she doesn’t want to give someone the time of day, and sticks to it. But she’s equally quick at deciding that suddenly she likes someone and that they’re going to be friends. She's capricious and has a nasty mean streak. She’s also very dramatic and tends to sulk-- but it’s not that difficult to pull her out and get her to forget what she was upset about. She’s a bit snotty sometimes, and is definitely a powerful force in that she’s good at steamrolling most conversations. She can be a little exhausting to deal with. Kind of like a small dog, very loud and excitable. She can be quite smug and loves being right. She’s very smart, and can rub it in a bit without noticing.

However, Anna’s heart is not just gold, but platinum. She is a complete mush and loves people very strongly. She’s kind, affectionate, and helpful. She tries to be a good listener, but genuinely has a difficult time remembering not to interrupt. Her default is just to run her mouth.

Anna is impulsive and wears her heart on her sleeve. She doesn’t hide much from people in the way of feelings. Sometimes she can seem like a lot, but it’s really not her intent, she’s just constantly set to 11 and fairly oblivious when it comes to reading people.

  • Techno Wizard Anna' a self-taught hacker. She's fascinated by the software side of tech more than constructing robots or circuits. One of her hobbies is breaking into places; she's mostly white hat but has been known to dabble in black hat activities, though usually only when she considers her targets "deserve it."
  • Boundless Optimism: Anna's kind of prone to melodrama and mood swings, but none of them stick for long. She always springs back to an indomitable sense that everything will be alright. You can't keep her down long.
  • Just A Girl: One of Anna's strengths is actually how often people underestimate her. She's able to use her small stature/gender/style/demeanor to pull the wool over people's eyes and trick them into believing she's harmless. When you're dismissed as a non-threat, you have that much more freedom to learn and strike quietly.
  • Oh Look, A Squirrel!: As Anna's moods are capricious, she can also easily become distracted or lose enthusiasm in an activity. She works best in short, intense bursts-- no stamina.
  • Not A Fighter: Anna is very bad at hand-to-hand combat. She's small and not particularly strong nor skilled. Her best bet is to avoid one-on-one physical fights in the first place.

  • Anna's fursona is an arctic fox

  • short pink hair with longer sidelocks
  • monolid
  • tiny eyebrows
  • :3 shaped smile

Anna is short and scrawny. Her hair and eyes are naturally dark brown; she dyes the former pink and sometimes uses unnaturally colored contacts to disguise the latter. Her hair is usually worn up, in ponytails or buns. Her features are rounded.

Anna is spry and jumpy and very perky. She bounces around and bubbles up from places you weren't expecting. She does almost everything with exagerrated motions, because it's more fun that way.

Anna wears a lot of pink! Her style is eclectic and maximalist; a little scene, a little cyber, a little decora. She likes to wear skirts and shorts, usually with some kind of tights underneath. Lots and lots of accessories, including a lot of barettes. Her makeup is similarly loud-- very sparkly and decorative!




Teen Years





Jax Donovan best friend

Jax + Anna = absolute chaos. They luuuuuv each other. Anna thinks Jax is hilarious if a bit grumpy, although honestly she tends to bring out his lighthearted side more than most people. They have a lot of fun together. She really just wants the best for him, but isn't much of a worrier. She's a little oblivious to his more damaging issues, and can end up unintentionally enabling him.

Martine Fortier girlfriend

Martine is Anna's girlfriend!!! They are mega in love and probably would be married by now if either of them believed in marriage. They live together but have no pets because Anna wants a snake and Martine would do anything for love but she won't do that. They almost never fight; looking from the outside they definitely are "that couple" that makes everyone else feel inadequate. Anna loves Martine's dry humor and her ability to kick ass. Anna was definitely the inciting party in the relationship; she saw Martine get off her motorcycle one time and went "I WILL be her femme." Anna is very affectionate, and makes art for Martine all the time. She even, without being asked, created a fursona for Martine so they could match.