Khristopher Soliman



5 years, 3 months ago



name: Khristopher Soliman
nickname: Khris
age: 30
pronouns: he/him
race: Egyptian
orientation: bisexual
height: 5'9"
occupation: investigative journalist
aes: HERE
mix: HERE

Khris is an investigative journalist for a news site. His paper is small but independently funded, they write what they want and as such are a bit self-important, kind of seeing themselves as the only people who tell the "real" news. They may not be completely wrong there. His life is forever changed when he (figuratively) runs headlong into Jax Donovan, a guy who just works security at a little music venue and calls him up one day asking about his anonymous sources policy. And his severed head policy.

Khris is a neurotic son of a bitch who’s pretty certain that he’s perfectly well-adjusted. He’s vain, and tends to be cold or disdainful. Khris likes iced coffee and secretly is a fantastic dancer. He dislikes disorder, and has a very strong sense of justice. He’s a workaholic. He drives too fast. He’s very fashionable.


Khris' demeanor is cool, collected, slightly aloof and tending towards snobbery. He's mean as hell, but in his heart he is a good person. His vibe is very deadpan snarker, not easily impressed. His emotions tend to show through more in his body than his face. He has a difficult time interacting with other people or navigating emotional scenes; part of his closed-offedness is a protective measure after getting bullied throughout his childhood for being 'weird.'

When on the job, Khris seems very straightlaced: a perfectionist and a total control freak. He has a very strong sense of justice and he’s genuinely passionate about telling a story right, which makes him kind of hard to work with. This is fine by him, because he prefers to write alone. But he does his work well, never behind deadline, never needs anything fixed in proofreading. All this obsessive working does take a toll on him, though he refuses to admit it. He believes he's superhuman and holds himself to impossibly high standards. He's also vain/image-conscious to the point of neuroticism; he is constantly thinking about how he is perceived and adjusting himself to match the image he wants to give off.

He blows off steam sometimes by going out clubbing, which would shock his coworkers if they knew (they assume he must be a total shut-in, but off the clock he’s almost a different person). He’s a great dancer. He’s very smooth. He dresses better than anyone you know.

  • Laser Focus: Once he's fixated on something, he does not give up. He never leaves anything unfinished.
  • Poker Face: Lies easily, is hard to read unless you know him well.
  • Contact List: Throughout his career, Khris has managed to worm his way into plenty difficult-to-break-into places, and he keeps track of whom he chats with. When faced with a problem, he can usually suss out a connection that might help get him on the right track
  • Smart Cookie: Khris has got oodles of book smarts AND street smarts.
  • Go It Alone: He believes he can handle anything himself; asking for help is excruciating.
  • Pride: Khris is quite arrogant as well as vain.
  • Not A Fighter: He's fit and all, but not trained in any sort of combat. Would be absolutely useless with a weapon. He is fast, though.

  • content

  • crooked, aquiline nose
  • usually wears makeup
  • hair can be flipped to either side



Khris has fantastic posture. He's elegant and poses well. He can come off haughty. His face is often neutral or expressionless.






Teen Years

Khris went to a competitive high school. He spent a lot of time studying; he didn't like his classmates, they showed little interest in him beyond antagonism, and he was very, very concerned about being able to get into a good college.

He had a couple of girlfriends, but the relationships never lasted, as Khris was often more invested in academics than in other people.

College Years

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Jax Donovan it's complicated
