Jax Donovan



5 years, 3 months ago



name: Jackson Donovan
nickname: Jax
age: 29
pronouns: he/him
race: white, Irish
orientation: bisexuelle
height: 6'0"
occupation: venue security
aes: HERE
mix: HERE

Jax is a dude with a shitty life. His apartment sucks, his wallet is skeletal, and his brain chemistry is out to get him 24/7. At least he still has his job working security at the venue, but who knows how long before they get sick of him, too? Lately, his days tend to bleed together into a blur of going out, getting drunk, and waking up to feel like shit, both physically and emotionally. Then he falls into a messy sort of situation that has him calling up investigative journalists and asking them about their anonymous sources policies.

Jax has the kind of charismatic personality that inspires passion. Sometimes that passion is amorous. Sometimes it is murderous. Frankly, Jax takes what he can get. Jax likes fistfighting and fast music. He has problems with authority and self-reflection. He’s smarter than he thinks he is.



  • Scrappy: Jax is an alright fighter, but his real advantage is that he just doesn't give much of a shit about his own wellbeing. Blessing and a curse. He'll keep fighting even if he gets hurt bad, and he'll take risky shots if he thinks there's a chance of pulling them off. Sometimes even if he doesn't think so. He fights dirty as hell too.
  • True Blue: He's a bastard, but at least he's a loyal bastard. Die-for-his-friends type.
  • Tinkerer: Jax is good with engineering-type stuff; software and hardware both.
  • Man vs Brain: Jax has depression, PTSD, suicidal ideation, and he's an addict. His self-worth is in the pits and he has very little regard for his own life. He's more fragile than he puts on.

  • if Jax was a dog, he'd be a Belgian Malinois.
  • his home in his parallel universe aligns with New Jersey in our world.

  • big nose
  • freckles, one larger mark underneath his left eye
  • piercings: right eyebrow, both nipples, both ears (multiple)
  • dark circles

Jax is 6 feet tall, broad-shoulded, and wiry. His torso is long; his pecs and arms are somewhat defined, but his ribs show and he has no visible abs. His entire body is scattered with freckles, as well as tattoos (Americal traditional blackwork). His hair is spiky and brown, but so dark as to be easily mistaken for black. His eyes are a lighter, warm brown. His eyebrows are jagged and expressive; he has long sideburns and some scruff along his chin and jaw. He has very thin lips, and a large, straight nose. His smile is sharp.

His eyes are usually heavily lidded. His demeanor is cocky, excitable; he stretches himself out whenever possible.

Jax almost always wears black or grey. He has a single pair of tall leather boots that he wears exclusively. Most of his clothing is ripped or patched. He's a jeans-and-tshirt guy, maybe sometimes a tank top or cargo pants guy. He likes leather and latex and metal. He'll wear stockings and miniskirts for a night out; he's also game for some smudgy eyeliner. Leather collars are a favorite accessory.



Jax's parents met when Erin was in grad school for robotics, and Miles was her professor. They carried on an illicit affair for about a year before Erin discovered she was pregnant. She agreed to drop out of school if Miles would marry her, and thus a stable and healthy family unit was formed (:/).


Jax had a pretty great childhood for a while, blissfully unaware of his parents' increasingly conflict-ridden marriage. When he was six, however, Erin died in a car crash, and Jax's world was shattered. His father remarried in about a year, and Jax's stepmother Vanessa had very little interest in him. Without Erin as a barrier, Jax's father also began to take a more active role in his son's life, which for him meant becoming a lot more restrictive and controlling. Jax resented this very much. Luckily, he also gained an older sister (Alice) from the marriage.

Teen Years

Jax's teen years were awful. Alice was the only person who really was looking out for him and listening to what he had to say. Despite the four-year age difference, they were very close. When he came out for the first time, it was to her. Jax and his father clashed constantly; Jax would act out in more and more extreme ways to spite his father's attempts to control his life/trigger emotional responses in the man. Jax got into fights, abused substances, and disregarded his schoolwork. His mental health issues also began to really take a toll on him. After one incident when he was 16, his father kicked him out and he had to couchsurf for three weeks before Alice finally convinced Miles to let him come back.




Erin Donovan dead mother

Erin died when Jax was about six. He was her world up until then. She always called him "kiddo." After her death, Jax got very bitter. He deifies Erin's memory and feels robbed by the fact that he wasn't able to grow up with her. He thinks that she would have really understood him, and stood up for him during his conflicts with his father. He's right.

Miles Donovan alive father


Alice Nicolaides stepsister


Vanessa Donovan stepmother

Jax and Vanessa's relationship is a void. When she married Miles, young Jax was very resentful, seeing it as a slight to Erin. Rather than attempt to try and win him over or explain that she's not trying to replace his mother, however, Vanessa decided to essentially ignore him. Jax returns the favor.



Anna Takahashi best friend


Martine Fortier friend/coworker


Daphne Wolfe ex-girlfriend
