Catherine Laurentius



5 years, 4 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Catherine "Valentina" Laurentius

Alias: Catherine

Nickname: Cathy, Laura, 

Title: Dancing Blades, Princess of Shards, Shard Keeper

Gender: Female

Species: Anthropomorphic/Jackalope

Age: 22

D.o.B.: 14th February

Sexuality: Bisexual

City of Birth: Soleanna

Currently lives: State of Progress, near Empire City

Languages Spoken: Spagonian English, Soleanna Italian, Spagonian German, 

Relationship Status: Single.

-Physical Appearance-
Height: 4' 0" (1.22m)

Weight: 74lbs (34kg)

Hair colour: Golden orange, with its tips dyed a faded shade of yellow.

Eye colour: Sapphire Blue

Fur colour: Faded Cream, White

Hairstyle: Her fringe reaches half of her face, coming in four parts. Despite being tied into a high ponytail, her hair still almost reaches her knees. The lower back of her hair just reaches her shoulders, curving outwards. The locks on the right side of her head are longer than her left, where a braided lock reaching her hips can also be found.

Tail: Small and flame-like. Its tips are golden orange in colour.

Tattoos: None.

Piercings: None.

Scars/distinguishing marks: The tips of her ears and feet come in two colours; yellow for the right while the left side is golden orange. The bands on her ears have their colours reversed.

Frequently worn Jewellery: Not really interested.

Smoker/Drinker: I would rather be dead than to be caught consuming these... okay, alcohol is fine, but not too much, please.

Drug User? Which?: One of the most destructive manner of self-ruination.

Addiction(s): Knives

Allergies: She's perfectly fine and healthy.

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None at all, despite the powers she wields.


  • Affable: She finds no difficulty at all when approaching any individual. This is done so regardless of their status or state. She does, however, do so based on her first impression of them, so she is prone to hesitation when dealing with those that look less favourable.
  • She can be rather air-headed at times, leading her to miss out on other events that are happening in her surroundings. She's quick to apologise for this. However, she does pay keen attention to items of her interest, devoting full attention to them and providing a close analysis of them.
  • She prefers to settle matters in a peaceful manner. But once the opposing party initiates an attack, she's ready to act immediately, as if she was eager for the fight.
  • It has been noted that she likes to assert herself for things to happen based on her judgement of the situation. She's not the kind to raise her voice, but one can pick up that sense of passive-aggressiveness from her language.
  • She is very expressive with her body language, often to the point of exaggeration. She claims that it helps to deliver her point.
  • She was raised under parents who essentially gave her anything that she wanted. This led her to believe that anything in the world is hers for the taking, so as long as said object is obtained within the boundaries of reason.
  • There is no such thing as a filter for her thoughts. She will say anything that comes to mind, from remarks about a person's appearance to the manner of which a scenario was handled. It's called being honest,.

Likes: Tea time, adorable plush toys, KNIVES, sleeveless attires, ribbons, baking, orange flavoured food, macarons, velvet cakes, cinnamon, vanilla, saffron, music, clothes (preferrably gothic and lolita fashion), anyone else who's good with a knife, beaches, hedge sculptures, shoes, classical music, 

Dislikes: Scars in general, the fact that she's horrid at cooking, having to explain things, overly sweet food, bitter and sour food, anything that can make a mess when she's eating, horrendous pop songs, having her dress dirtied, accidentally ruining her dress, correction centres,

Favourite/Disliked Food: Pineapple Macaron / Liquorice

Favourite/Disliked Drink: Non-alcoholic fruit punch / Chillidogs


  • She has a massive dislike for detention/correction centres. Claims that they are just prisons where innocent minds are brutally raped.

Hobbies: Knife-throwing, volleyball, photography, painting, ballet, collecting knives, fashion (shoes, attire pieces, outfits), piano, manicure, 


  • *refined laugh* "Poor fool. Did you honestly believe that you can get past me?"
  • "But you promised that we'd go shopping today! Why did you suddenly withdraw from our planned outing? I know you don't like the crowded places, especially at this hour, but I came prepared for this!" *cries*

Team Info: Primarily acts as Magic; capable of fulfilling Speed and Skill roles.

  • She is part of a 7 person crew known as the Progressive Squad, consisting of Peach (Speed), Willowmena (Flight), Jacques (Power), Venetia (Swim), Tomoko (Skill), Siobhan (Support).


  • She has a knack for playing volleyball, often being the first to reach the ball and sending it back to her opponents.
  • Her musical talent lies in the piano. 


  • Shard Manipulation: She has the ability to create razor shards with her magic, and then manipulate them in a manner that they follow her body movements. She can also send them flying or stationary in places of her choosing, as well as the ability to shatter them when they are no longer necessary.
  • Knife Mastery: Her affinity for knives is unparalleled. In her hands, she can do a wide variety of activities with them, not just to stab and slice others with. She also knows a great deal about the types of knives that exists.
  • Agile: She is quick on her feet, and her hand-to-eye coordination is astounding. She can hit a moving target while she too is on the move, but prefers to miss them on purpose, just to give them a warning on what could've happened if her aim had been true.
  • She grew up doing ballet, which led her to incorporate what she has learned into her fighting style, such as dancing out of the way of another's attack, or being graceful when threatening others into submission.
  • Fashionista: She considers herself to be an expert in this matter, judging others based on their combination of attire choice and mannerisms.

Special Attack(s):

  • Quick Step: Basic skill. She leaps in a certain direction, recovering quickly so she is ready to perform her next action.
  • Perfect Guard: Basic skill. She blocks at the same time that the attack is about to connect, enabling her to deflect the hit and startle her opponent.
  • Flash Strike: Basic skill. She attacks just before an enemy's strike lands, enabling her to surprise her foe and hit them where it hurts most.
  • Twice Scorned: Basic spell. After an initial attack, a second set of shards appear out of nowhere to strike upon the same foe.
  • Chasing Glory: Basic spell. A set of shards appear around her and hones in after her foes. Strangely, these have never sliced through flesh.
  • Golden Maelstrom: Intermediate spell. After summoning a number of shards, she sics them upon a particular foe, where they will whizz and buzz around their target until she finds that they have suffered enough. However, this leaves her vulnerable, for she is unable to summon anymore shards until she recalls or dismisses her current ones.
  • Avarice Ribbon: Intermediate spell. After summoning her shards, they form the shape of a bladed weapon upon her hands. They are rather flexible blades, always returning to their straight form when not swung heavily. She can also send them flying if she chooses to.
  • Fletchette Storm: Followup to Avarice Ribbon. Once she picks up the tempo with her bladed whip, she can disperse the blade and have the individual shards fly in unison.
  • Play Time!: Followup to Fletchette Storm. With all the individual shards flying about, Catherine forces these shards to freeze in place. They will remain for as long as she desires, giving her opportunities to pluck one out of the air and sending it flying at her targets. The shards will always point away from her.
  • Spinning Chandeliers: Intermediate spell. With many shards summoned, Catherine sics them on her foes. This spiral of shards will chase them down.
  • Mirage Escape: Advanced spell. She classifies this as one of her last resort moves. To give an idea what this does, as she makes one of her crazy dodges, she would manifest as many daggers as possible around her, then fling them in every direction possible. These shards can bounce off of the surfaces that they come into contact with.
  • Princess of Shards: Enhanced Form. Once activated, her outfit changes regardless of what she was currently wearing. While in this form, she is able to summon more shards than she normally would. They can absorb more damage than they normally would, enabling her to use them as shields when the situation calls. She can also manipulate more than two Shard weapons simultaneously, which would include the intricate shields she can make. She can't fly in this form, so she still has to create a board with one of her shards to keep up with her allies.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: No. She has a personal driver.

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Father) (Mother)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes

Siblings: Considers her servants/maids in her home as so.

Partner/Spouse: None.

Children: None.


  • A fancy handbag containing her essentials, such as a taser, a pepper spray, her purse, comb, lotion, gaming console, medicinal alcohol, packs of raisins, to name a few.

Extra Info:

  • She works part time as an instructor for volleyball games. She's not a favourite teacher among the students, due to her tendency of teaching them with shards floating nearby. Parents have filed complaints, but none reach her, for she is one of the star students in the school.
  • She loves to talk about knives whenever the chance arises, showing how broad her knowledge is in that field.
  • Her pool of magical stamina is considerately small, leaving her thirsty after considerable use. Once the thirst is quenched, she can get back into action immediately.
  • She may love knives, but she won't carry one on her at all, even if one were to point out just how madly she is in love with them.
  • She loves her parents dearly, making sure that they are doing well every single day that she or they are away from home.
  • She is content with her current reputation as a terrifying force to be reckoned with.
  • She has her own personal maid. She claims that Siobhan is simply a pauper whom she took fancy in and decided to have her around as a playmate and a dressing dummy. At least some part of her collection of clothes are used.