


5 years, 3 months ago




Name Thorn
gender Male
Age ??? (100's of years)
Relationship Single (not looking)
Height ~ 8 ft (on all fours)
Species Chimereon (Unknown)
Role Royal Bodyguard (Retired)
Masterlist Cham1922

mute . Regal . imposing

An ancient Chimereon who was a bodyguard to a royal family for generations. 


  • Peace and meditation
  • Nature and gardens
  • Caring for children
  • Ballroom dancing and music


  • Fighting and war (despite being a very capable warrior)
  • Unruly, loud, obnoxious individuals 

Stats and skills



  • Trained and lived as an elite body guard. Out of habit he constantly has a keen awareness of his surroundings, can very rarely be taken by surprise, and is a master in appearing intimidating.
  • Knows how to communicate in sign language, although he doesn't use it often.  


  • Has a soft spot for insects, spiders and Invertebrate Chimereons (... unless they eat plants and want to eat him). Particularity fond of butterflies. 
  • Thorn is not his real name, but he doesn't mind being called by it. 


  • Truthful and loyal
  • Fearless in the face of danger


  • Closed off and distrustful towards strangers
  • Stand-offish



Thorn is completely mute but has a mind as sharp as any. His fierce gaze, huge size and aloof attitude easily intimidate many. The few who have earned his respect, however, will know him to be surprisingly gentle, well mannered, and very protective. Just fear his wrath if ever provoked.


Being an Unknown Chimereon, Thorn's body isn't exactly 'normal' and appears to be plant-like material rather than meat and bones. His hide is like tough tree bark, and a thick, highly viscous, sticky and sweet 'sap' courses through his body. 


Legends speak of an incredible warrior Chimereon who was saved from a life of darkness by a kind hearted queen. So deep was his adoration for the monarch that the Chimereon dedicated his life to her, and served as her loyal bodyguard. The queen sought only to bring peace among the kingdoms, but unfortunately had no shortage of enemies who didn’t share her views. 

It was during a battle defending her life that the Chimereon was slashed across the neck. As he began to bleed out his only wish was that he could keep protecting his queen. His soul blazed so loud and strong that a magical force heard his wish and it was granted, but not without a cost - he would never be able to speak again, and would never be able to have a family of his own. He fought on to continue to be by her side, and she was forever thankful for the bodyguard's dedication and sacrifice. 

As the years passed, the Chimereon remained strong and healthy, seemingly untouched by time. The queen grew old and frail, and her inevitable passing pained the Chimereon’s heart like nothing else. But while he grieved he looked to her children, now ruling in her place, and her children’s children who would one day take the throne themselves. Through her descendants a part of her continued to live on, and he promised that would be there to protect them. 

To be continued ... when I have time to write more ... 



Xanadar  [ enemy ]

The Usurper's Dog ... he must be taken down, and cannot be allowed to reunite with the Fallen King at any cost.

HTML by Eggy

18720326_TJx8mRZ3qAGuyjH.png?1593651903Design note for artists: Exact petal and colour placement does not have to match this ref. The petals naturally fall out and regrow over time like hair on a person, so it even makes sense that it wouldn't match every time! Feel free to reference actual rainbow roses for inspiration :)