


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Definitely much older than 200, but he's lost count by now. Eh. He's not getting any older if he doesn't want to, so he doesn't care.


April 29th (Taurus), if you consider this another universe. If not, his birthday is June 6th (Gemini).


Trans male (he/him). By now, he's transitioned medically to his liking, and uses less magic on his appearance than he used to.




Neuroprober, glassblower, occasional storyteller and puppeteer. Being a neuroprober brings in VERY good money, but there aren't very consistent cases.




White European, specifically German. His accent is less noticeable than it used to be, but it's there.

Significant Other

Well, he is legally married to Tisedh, who he considers his primary life partner. The two of them are also intimately involved with their mutual friend, Nneme. [wip depending on who else exists in this universe]


He's forgotten his parents and their abuse by now, and he is largely recovering from the long-lasting trauma they left. Too much time has passed for him not to, as far as he's concerned. Tisedh and Nneme are his family now. [also wip, i need to know more about the children tisedh and ham have raised]

Physical Description

Hamelin is visibly taller than Tenor was, mostly because of those boots he likes wearing - and he wears more form-fitting outfits, partly because he's more comfortable with himself and partly because his aesthethic has changed. He wears big, circular glasses, not out of necessity but because he thinks they're cute.


Friendly and inviting, and he gives off a vibe of being very intelligent but not particularly pretentious about it. Hamelin is very attractive and he knows it, but luckily isn't too obnoxious about flaunting his looks. He is confident about most things in himself. He doesn't need people to tell him that he's on the right track and that he's a good, smart, capable person, generally speaking. With his partners, though, he is far less reserved about his thoughts and feelings. He can easily get along with just about anyone, but something only Tisedh and Nneme can see is his mile-wide petty streak. Don't worry! He's probably not talking about you behind your back, as long as you haven't been rude. Another thing about him, that NO one is aware of, is a sort of boiling rage beneath his surface, stemming from the one issue he hasn't exactly worked out by now... He's come to terms with his own past, but he has not come to terms with his wife's past. More specifically, Hamelin has not found peace with the fact that her abusive former magic teacher and part-time guardian [wip], Laethen Varrue, was claimed by natural causes and not Hamelin's hand. But it's alright. It's okay. Something is going to happen soon. He tends to be err on the side of laidback, calm moods, but he has a frightful temper when his loved ones or innocents are being threatened or harmed.


See Tenor's, add maybe a century and slap some Transistor-esque aesthetic on it. [wip]


Fireflies, streetlamps, various lights in the dark, shopping, his job, children, strangely enough he enjoys when his glass projects break


Any mistreatment at all of children, injustice, not feeling in control of a situation, feeling as if he has to answer to someone else


Intelligence, patience, gentleness, compassion, a strong sense of justice, a good eye for design and color


Pettiness, a tendency to hold grudges against people who aren't his partners, hardship in working under pressure, a tendency to keep secrets


He has a wonderful, fantastic treasure. No one can know he has it. The time isn't right yet.

Associated Tarot Card

Knight of Wands



Tisedh's clever, smiley husband who's seen hanging around her house during some of the main party's visits. He works as a therapist for people who have repressed traumatic memories and have had no success with regular therapy - that is to say, he can enter people's minds and interact with their thoughts, feelings and memories. Nothing about Hamelin is visibly off, exactly, but one gets the impression sometimes, especially if they run into him alone on the street, that there's a lot of things about him that most people don't know.