Jonas Kiprusoff



5 years, 3 months ago


character introduction

NameJonas Ilmari Kiprusoff
nicknamesSchlagring, Das Modell
Age19 [as of 1928]
Gender & sexualityMale & Unknown
NationalityGerman & Finnish
Alignment & MBTINeutral Evil & ESTJ

"What're you so scared of? I'm not gonna do anything to ya."

Born in Munich, in 1909, outside of marriage between a Finnish political escapee and a Bavarian cabaret dancer, he was the only child in the short-lived family, as later his father left for Finland in 1920. His bloodline was marked by unsolved cold-blooded murders, and it wasn't rare for him to end up in a correctional facility at a juvenile age—however, he was always complimented for his neverending wits and charming personality—albeit, who knows for certain if it was genuine. His story begins with his recruitement in the organization of the SA at the age of 17.


  • Tradition
  • Competition
  • Politics
  • Leading


  • Communists
  • Losing
  • Emotional people
  • Being bossed around


Him joining the newly-founded Jugendbund der NSDAP—precisely the Jugendmannschaften—at the age of 14 was quite surprising, considering his past delinquency—but it was never really taken in account. While in the organization, he was awarded a shooting award, which showed that he was more than what he came off as. Although he was part of the working class, he despised the KPD and its ideology, and fluctuated towards Nazist views, as young men like him were promised a rebirthing of the economical status of Germany. He joined the Sturmabteilung in 1926, a year after their re-establishment, and right from the start there was no scarcity of street fights against members of the Communist Party. During this period he met WWI veteran Frederik König, one of his Standarten superiors and SA-Führer, and managed to get his roommate and close friend, Theodor Hischier, to join the organization alongside him.

As of 1928, roughly 26 months after joining the SA, he was promoted to SA-Scharführer. Something to note is that Jonas doesn't particularly like Frederik—he describes him as "bossy, arrogant, and patronising", and although they make a good duo when they collaborate, Jonas would prefer to be in Frederik's position. Ambition and narcissism together make something quite toxic and, at times, dangerous. And while Jonas is trying to contrive together a plan to take over, Wachtmeister [Felix] Lejonhjärta gets involved, and controversy arises.


What goes through his thought process is quite... strange. Strange and pretty much a mystery. He's very, very full of himself and expects his authority to never be questioned; you could say he has a pretty big, if not gigantic, ego.  He's made pretty much almost every person he's ever known so blindingly angry that they have no response for that level of rage. His speech pattern is particularly eloquent—even though he left school, he is surprisingly intelligent and cultured. His personality can be described as sporadic, and he can be maybe a bit too chatty at times, but not necessarily annoying. He may be externally witty and charismatic, but that hides an unsurprisingly vengeful and aggressive side to him, alongside a lack of impulse and self control. He has a very bizarre sense of humour, which often leads to dark and sombre jokes, which are of really bad taste, but he enjoys getting reactions out of people for that reason, he always seems wryly and bitterly amused at something, even when nothing funny is happening.


He stands at 6'3'' [192 cm], and has a muscular, but lean build. His face is dashed by freckles all time of the year, but they duplicate in summer, and they are also present on his shoulders, knees, and hands. His dark chestnut-coloured hair is never actually neatly kept, and he wears his SA kepi most of the time, giving him a kind of scruffy look when he takes it off. His eyes are nearly black, and he looks, in general, vaguely upsetting and grim. He has an odd smirk and half-grin plastered on his face most of the time.











Frederik König  [ superior ]

Frederik is Jonas' superior, they met shortly after Jonas joined the SA. He took particular interest in Frederik, and what he had to say about his experiences in the Great War and how he came to join the organization. As they worked together, Jonas' liking for Frederik started to decline; he thinks he's pretentious, too bossy, patronising, and in general, a pole up his ass a very hard to please individual. He thinks he deserves his spot in command, and will do anything to achieve so.


Character  [ relationship ]

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Character  [ relationship ]

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