


5 years, 3 months ago


Samael Cadeyrn
Age 21
DOB July 23
Species Spectrel
Gender Male
Orientation -
Pronouns he/him
Occupation -
Creator Undeadfae
  • Playlist

  • Kill the lights
  • Infinite
  • Wolf in sheep's clothing
  • Carnivore
  • Circus for a psycho
  • Had Enough
  • Villain
Design Notes

  • Masterlist entry
  • Always uses his eyepatch and spectra arms.
  • His eye's sclera is black.
  • Facial scars.
  • Spectra arms have spikes.

Two faced and manipulative, Samael likes to appear as a kind, cheerful and gentle, if somewhat naïve, spectrel to others, keeping this act up until they have stopped being useful for him and can be disposed of. His true personality is a sadistic, unhinged maniac who enjoys immensely messing with others and the thrill of a hunt, be it hunting down an animal of another person, a mastermind who keeps himself calm and controlled until he can toy with his victims and see the blood spill. He used to be more collected and less deranged until he tried to get rid of Soren by convincing another spectrel to give him a faulty charm and curse him; when the plan backfired on him and made him lose an eye, all self-control was quite literally thrown out of the window.


  • He likes to say that he lost his eye against a demon. Doesn't consider it a lie either.
  • His beast behaves like a dog.
  • Sometimes he likes to screw around with people and manipulate them just for the fun of it.
  • Used to injure Soren a lot as kids, hence all of Soren's scars on his arms.

  • Object spectra (knives): paralysis - can partially paralyze anyone who gets injured with it. Effect depends on the severity of the injury.
  • Companion spectra: suppression - can suppress the spectra of any spectrel it injures.

  • alcohol
  • fighting

  • Soren
  • people annoying him

Before Soren was born, Samael was the elders’ favorite child in the clan: as young as he was, he proved to be smarter than the other kids, a fast learner who refused to give up. Even as he grew older, many expected him to become the next leader, and he happily embraced that role. At least until the elders thought Soren showed more promise than him, that is.

When Soren showed his same intelligence and stubborn streak, along with the discipline he lacked, he didn’t take much longer to become the new promising kid of the clan. Shock and surprise quickly turned into anger and jealousy- how could they turn their backs on him like that? After all the effort he put into his training and studies to help them?

Furious at the younger kid, Samael tried to contain his anger as much as possible; a little shove here, a bit of tripping there, it annoyed Soren, but it wasn’t bad enough to warrant retaliation. Yet.

Soren’s spectra manifested sooner than anyone expected, and with the cursed shadow everyone quickly decided to shun and avoid him, fearing the curse they said he now carried. The shadow’s mischievous attitude only strengthened their belief in the curse, to Samael’s growing pleasure. What was simple shoving around and snappy, rude comments quickly turned far worse. There is a reason Soren is marred and covered in scars.

When no one wanted to even talk to Soren anymore, trying to stay as far away from the cursed child as possible, Samael decided to act. He’d get rid of the feared curse, that way everyone would be happier and accept him as their rightful leader.

When he noticed Soren preparing to run away, Samael put his plan in action. Contacting a spectrel he knew was trying (and failing) to craft charms bearing the curses of the gods, Samael convinced him to get rid of one of his faulty charms by tricking Soren, giving him a far more dangerous and lethal curse than his shadow. The plan was for him to die once he tried to use the charm, the curse backfiring and killing him, but it didn’t quite go as planned. Soren survived, though he was turned into a bloodthirsty demon by the curse. Not like that could stop Samael’s plan- if anything it helped greatly.

Convincing the clan that Soren’s curse had finally manifested to kill them was easy, and soon they were giving him the death sentence. When the fear and turbulent emotions of the situation turned him into the feared demon, Samael quickly decided to fight him, determined to kill the beast himself. The fight, however, didn’t go as planned: Soren overpowered him, and Samael lost an eye and gained a few scars in the process.

When Samael regained consciousness and was told what happened, he was furious, taking it upon himself to kill Soren no matter the cost. For this task, he contacted someone to create a new spectra for him with the specific purpose to incapacitate anyone who got in his way, decided to take his mission seriously and not underestimate Soren again.