Komwo Du'muloma



5 years, 3 months ago


Basic Info
Gender[cis female]
Relationship Status[single (widowed)]


- very calm, stoic, aloof



- komwo works for mulin making magic things

- Mom and dad have babey, they are happy!
- Always had relationship problems, but they worsened along with the growing demonic daze as they lived in a rural area that had frequent dragon sightings
- both insisted they loved komwo. instilled the idea that education and knowledge would lead to their salvation (as a family). it was dad's duty to pick up and drop off from the nearest school. went as often as possible. had a closer relationship with dad. was constatnly trying to win approval from mom
- around age 7 dad along with several others foraging near the treeline were attacked and killed
- mom became an abusive alcoholic after husbands death. rarely physical violence (only when "annoyed"). for the most part just ignored her kid and left to fend for herself
- around age 15 komwo is met with an acolyte of Dos who offers a contract with them in exchange for gold.
--- this acolyte of dos had little actual "power", but used the placebo effect in order to boost komwo's ego / energy
- komwo moves up the ranks of magical science, eventually securing a new home and place in the capital for her and her mother. her mother is apathetic about it, which only angers komwo. after an argument, komwo refuses to let her come with her to the capital despite the growing worry of dragons.
- in the capital, komwo ramps up experiments and practically doubles workload in an attempt for aknowledgement and praise from superiors.
- komwo always used very extreme methods in her work, pushed for by the acolyte (kuhoma). most unethical means weren't off the table.
- eventually kuhoma passed away from natural causes, revealing that she'd never given komwo any power and that it was all in herself. this gave komwo the strength to continue on.
- komwo buried herself in work, finding ways to try and bolster her power and access hidden knowledge as she rose in status. She made several attempt to contact Dos through ritual but was never sucessful. it was during one of those rituals that she met her  soon-to-be wife.
- her wife, Owani helped her slow her down and appreciate the moment around her, while still encouraging thier work. Their relationship moved fast, as they had adopted a child together. however their relationship soon turned sour as komwo revealed some of her unethical practices to owani, who was staunchly opposed to them. one night, owani had meant to steal her child and run away, but was caught by komwo, who promptly threw her out of her mansion.
- komwo singlehandedly focused on her work and raising her child to be an overachiever from that point forwards.
--- they had an awkward and distant relationship at best, as she was unprepared to be a parent, let alone a single parent. she unfortunately took on a lot of the same qualities of her mother, and holding her to extremely high standards- though she was praised for her work briefly, any achievement that her daughter had done she believed was the product of her raising, and therefore hers.
- when her daughter was "old enough" she began to include her in magical experimentation and less ethical methods, to which she was reluctant about.  eventually, an experiment goes wrong and severely injures her daughter. instead of comforting her and immediately stopping, komwo is fascinated by the effects it has and insists on further work, which results in a fight. It was a few days later that her daughter was gone without a trace.
- while extremely depressed and engaging in all manner of unhealthy coping, she represses her issues, though she is known for bursts of anger when being interrupted.
- eventually begins work under mulin making magical weaponry

  • solving problems playing with tits doing interesting things
  • Alcohol, Drugs, or anything that might impair him at all (says it blocks knowledge or whatever)
  • One