Raina Clow



5 years, 3 months ago


Raina Clow

Called Raina

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 19

Race Angel

Role Loyal Knight

Theme SOMEDAY -00.prologue-

HTML Pinky


Raina is a shy and sweet angel that works diligently for the king of angels. Normally she is clumsy and weak-willed, but once she’s in battle she turns into a completely different person. Strong and serious, always sure to hit her mark and never even blink an eye when it comes to slaying demons. Her dual-nature confuses those around her, but she’s so lovely it’s hard to dislike her.

She’s a very hard worker, desperate to prove herself to her king and her colleagues. She follows the king’s orders without question and believes in him absolutely. She would do anything to please her king.


Height 5’10”

Build Tall and muscular

Eyes Lavender

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color Black

Hair Style Neat but unstyled

Demeanor Shy and quiet


  • She is missing her right eye, and she keeps the wound hidden under an eyepatch
  • She is quite built, tends to wear clothes that downplay her muscles. Not for any reason, she just likes flowy clothes.
  • When in her soldier uniform, she wears her hair up in a long ponytail.
  • She likes to paint her nails, but ends up biting her nails a lot so it always comes off.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Raina is a quiet and painfully shy type of girl that can barely speak to others without stuttering or biting her tongue. She tends to try to hide in the background and prefers not to call too much attention to herself. She’s very intelligent, but her nervousness around others can make her seem a bit silly. She’s also quite clumsy, and has a hard time controlling her strength. That is, until she’s in battle. Once a fight starts, she turns completely serious and calm. She strikes her foes down with ease, never rushing or struggling. She has a bit of a one-track mind, and it’s hard to change her mind once she’s convinced of something. She’s incredibly loyal and will protect those she cares about with all her strength, but that loyalty can sometimes be misplaced and make her seem naive.



Drinking tea often soothes her nerves, and she finds the many different tastes and aromas fascinating.


Ballet is what she is most interested in, but all forms of dance interest her.


Human books are so fun, wild and vastly different from angel books. She has a fun time reading all different stories she can find


It is something that comes to her naturally, but she never had time to do it recreationally in heaven. She finds it can be quite fun to fly with no destination.


Salty foods

She has a very sensitive tongue, so anything too seasoned can be overwhelming for her to eat.


Demons are something she was taught to hate and destroy, though she knows not all demons are the same.. she still distrusts them.

Idle time

One could also call it free-time, but she’s just a fan of not having anything to do. It stresses her out to not know what to do next.


It’s the thing she hates most of all. Everyone is always pointing out her flaws and making her aware of how bad at everything she is, so how could she disagree with them?



Since she was very small, Raina desperately wanted to be a dancer. However, since she came from a long line of strong and important knights, it seemed that she couldn’t escape her fate. She was trained pretty hard as a child, pushed well beyond her limits to make her a great warrior. Say what you will about their methods, she made a great soldier. Even as a child it was easy to see she excelled at combat. She was brought to the castle and her family asked the king to take her under his wing since she had so much potential. He already had a protege, but he was happy to have another warrior to train.

She worked extremely hard to keep up. She was younger than most others she was training with, so she had to fight to stay as strong as everyone else. It was grueling work, but for once her family seemed to approve of her.. so she put up with it. She pushed herself harder and harder, desperate for the approval of her family and peers.

Crushing Reality

Raina was great at training, but when it came to actual combat, she excelled even more. She was fast and strong, wielding her lance with confidence. She was working her way through the ranks, passing people older than her with ease. Though she didn’t have many true friends among the other soldiers, she was an asset and she was fine with that. As long as her family was happy. So she kept working harder and harder… But perhaps she pushed herself too hard, for one battle proved to be too much a challenge.. even for her. In the middle of training, some demons had managed to slip through their walls and attacked. Fatigued from training, and with no allies to help her or protect her, she slipped up. She defeated the demons but in the process was injured so badly.. she could never fight the same again.


In the fight, Raina lost one of her eyes and got nerve damage so she couldn’t move her body like she used to. She could still live a normal life, but normal wasn’t good enough for her family. They were so upset with her, they threatened to disown her for her failure as a warrior. A true soldier would have walked out unscathed.. but Raina was “ruined”. She tried to convince the king she could still fight, that even if she wasn’t as good, she was still strong. The king refused, worrying that her pushing herself would get her killed… and he’d rather be short a soldier than lose someone as loyal and trustworthy as her. Still though, she wanted to prove to him she was still strong. So the king begrudgingly gave her a mission, one that was safer than others. She was to go to earth, and keep an eye on the angel princess. He already had a solider there watching her, but perhaps Raina could provide extra support for the mission should anything happen.

Raina was still shocked that the princess was real. She had heard rumors that she existed, but to know that she is real and living on earth.. She was excited to receive such an important mission. She would go to earth, and protect the princess as if she were the king himself. Now on earth, Raina finds herself struggling to fit in. Humans are a lot harder to get along with than angels, and she wasn’t very good at that either.. so humans frightened her. The angel princess, however, is just as wonderful and beautiful as she imagined. Kind with gentle eyes and a warm smile.. Raina is proud to call herself her knight. She dreams for the day they can go back to heaven and Raina can serve her as the royalty she is.. but until then, protecting her as a “friend” is nice.






Kind Princess

The “long lost” angel princess. She is lovely and warm, a very good friend to Raina. She stood up for her when Raina was getting bullied, even without knowing that she was an angel sent to protect her. Raina is grateful to her and wishes to serve her officially.. though Tsuki won’t allow it.




An angel that has lived on earth for a long time for mysterious reasons he won’t indulge. He is a kind man, working as a local doctor with the simple desire to help people. Raina stays with him, and has allowed him to start teaching her healing magic.



Mysterious Presence

One of the many demons hovering around the princess. At first, she hated him like all other demons but something about him made him.. Different. He truly cares for his brother, and has gone above and beyond to care for the princess so she found herself lowering her guard around him. When she sees how close he and Tsuki are, she feels a twinge of pain in her heart… Others would describe this as a crush, but Raina isn’t so sure.