Dren Rose



5 years, 3 months ago


✦ Details
Name Dren Rose
Gender Male
Age 23
World Earth
Species Angel
Ethnicity N/A
Home N/A
Occupation School Nurse
Sexuality Asexual
✦ Appearance
Height 5'7"
Body Type Long and lanky with very little to no muscle
Hair Style Short and spiked upwards
Hair Color Strawberry blond
Eye Color Brown
Skin Color White
Clothing Style He's always seen in his work clothes, business casual with a lab coat
Posture Tends to slouch, keeps to himself at all times
Other N/A
✦ Likes
✦ Dislikes
✦ Hobbies
✦ Traits
✦ Flaws
✦ Phobias
✦ Backstory

Dren lost his family at a young age in the war between heaven and hell. Having nowhere else togo, Dren was forced to head down to earth to be with a distant relative he'd never met before. But the relative was kind, and life on earth was much more peaceful than Heaven was at the time. Dren spent his time studying healing magic, aspiring to become a healer and prevent needless deaths like his parents. Slowly over time, his dream to be a healer changed to become a doctor.

Dren recently became the school nurse and is very nervous about doing a good job. When strange things start to happen with the other angels and demons in the school, Dren becomes nervous and considers standing up to protect these kids and help them prevent another war.p>

✦ Trivia
● Dren's presence as an angel is very weak, to the point unless he told someone about it, no one would ever notice.
● His birthday is 5/30
● The students of the school he works for usually call him "Rosey"
● Dren is really clumsy
✦ Relationships
Tsuki Tenshi Suki is a top student and angel princess that's the talk of heaven, so Dren's heard. She's a good girl with a big legacy to live up to.
Takeru Honda Takeru is a overly serious kid that works for the angel king Kah. He's a good guy, but follows orders from his king too blindly, and winds up doing more harm than good. But Dren doesn't have the courage to tell him that
Raina Clow Raina is a soft-spoken shy girl. Once a well reknown warrior, she's now plagued with confidence issues and a nearly impossible mission. Dren pities her, and mentors her in the art of healing magic. She is a fast learner, and a joy for Dren to teach.

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