

Introduction of Character

Name: Qrow (this isn’t his real name; he changed his name long ago, and his real name has been lost to time)

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Demisex/Demirom(?)

Nickname(s): Commander, Fearless, or Fearless Leader

Alias(es): None (Though “Qrow” could be considered an alias as this is not his real name)

Date of Birth: April 25

Date of Death: --

Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Birthstone: Diamond

Species: Human

Affiliations/Organizations: Leader of the (currently nameless) militia that was built to fight against demons

Occupation: Commander of the Combatant Faction

The Character’s Appearance

General Appearance:

Qrow stands 6 feet, 3 inches tall and is one of the tallest human characters in AOMS. He has a broad body build with defined shoulders and muscles. His jaw is more squared compared to the other male characters (other than the demon Jericho and maybe Almittie or Artemien). Qrow has fair peach colored skin, and isn’t too pale or too tan. His face is marked with a thin scar across his right eye (the attack that had created that scar is what also caused his right eye to go partially blind), and a small cut across the right side of his lip. He has centrally heterochromatic eyes, them being green all around the rim of his irises and brown around the pupils. His hair is layered, short, and somewhat spiky towards the back. It is colored a really dark shade of brown to the point where it looks black, and he has white highlights on the tips (his eyebrows are the same color as his hair and are much thicker than most of the other characters).

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 230 lbs


Ambidextrous (he needs to know how to use both of his hands equally for efficiency)


The two most notable scars on his body are the two located directly on his face. He has a thin scar down his eye, and one down his lip as well. He has many smaller scars all across the rest of his body from taking numerous amounts of brutal punishment over the years, both from sparring and fighting demons.


He is almost always seen wearing a blindfold over his eyes to not only conceal his eye, but also to protect himself from dangerous demons that are aggressive when looked upon directly.

About the Character

Qrow is the fearless and dependable leader of the Combatant Faction. He has the reputation of being a well-known, and respectable member of the organization, as he has shown undying devotion to the cause, but also a sense of humanity unlike some other leaders/members. Qrow has a certain mystery to his character, as he isn’t intimately personal with any other (excluding the wingless angel Gael). When first meeting him, he comes off as intimidating and gruff, but upon getting to know him and earning his trust he reveals himself to be a cool-headed, and empathetic man. (He doesn’t realize it, but he is truly an excellent father figure as he has trained and raised Gael to grow up into a well-mannered, disciplined, and strong young man.)

As a teenager, Qrow was an energetic and rather troublesome child. He would always stir up trouble and would have to be bailed out by someone in his family. He was free-spirited and somewhat short-tempered and impulsive. He acted based on emotions rather than logic. After the death of his family, his anger and hatred grew exponentially. He had become somewhat of a ticking time-bomb, and would explode into an aggressive rage whenever encountered with a single demon. At 16 he joined the organization and devoted himself to becoming the strongest soldier to slay any and all demons that crossed him. Others used to fear him; he was powerful as he was reckless/ruthless. Qrow remained a hot-headed killing machine until the age of 25. This is when he had the realization that his anger was not getting him anywhere, in fact he realized that it had been holding him back and hurting those close to him. He hadn’t allowed himself to grow and move on. It was then he let go of his anger and moved forward. From there, he became the renowned fearless and selfless Commander that most of his subordinates have come to know and love.

Qrow loves to tend to his horse and sit in quiet. From time to time he’ll sit alone and map out routes for him and his men, or he’ll engage in their friendly activities. (When it comes to gambling types of games, he usually wins but doesn’t take anything)


Qrow still has a lowkey fear of demons, as they are still very much unpredictable. He fears the death of those he is close to more than anything however… this plays into why he doesn’t really let anyone in personally (excluding Gael and Curtis)


Qrow isn’t too complex when it comes to his habits. He mainly spectates over sparring matches, and sometimes he participates to evaluate the growth of his fellow soldiers. Other times he’ll be hard at work drawing out maps of where he and his squadron have been. In these maps he also includes a key to show where they have encountered demons, and how severe their influences are in the particular area.

The few deviations he has made from his regular habits involve him partaking in activities put together by his men. Gambling isn’t his favorite pastime, but he still participates here and there. In his alone time, he likes to sit in quiet and listen to the calming silence. Silence is a rarity, so he cherishes it when he can.

When appropriate, Qrow will talk casually. In more professional situations, he sounds cold and rather solemn in order to keep others focused on the task at hand.

When presented with unprofessional situations he’ll be quite awkward and unsure of what to do initially. However, if he is flirted with then he will shrink up and run away when given the chance. (Not too often is he presented with compliments of an amorous caliber)

Qrow tries to be well organized with his personal belongings, and with the organization's inventory.

He’s not the sociable kind of person, but he does try his best when presented with social situations such as rally speeches (which he’s pretty good at).

Best Qualities:

One of Qrow’s best qualities is his compassion. He understands the pain of losing things that are closest to someone; he knows better than anyone. He goes out of his way to take care of those more unfortunate than he. This is evident when he takes in Gael to tend to his wounds after he revealed that he had lost his brothers.

Qrow’s other renowned quality is his fatherly nature. Being a father-figure is second-nature to him and he isn’t completely aware of it. In many instances, he has broken up scuffles, he has raised his voice to stop nonsense amongst his men, but most importantly, he treats everyone as if they are his family. Of course, he has his favorites to which he’d never admit, but he is still open to all of his men. (He will listen to others if they are struggling emotionally, or mentally, and he always does his best to help. However, he never opens up about himself.)

Worst Qualities:

Qrow is reserved, and mysterious. He has never revealed anything about himself (specifically his past) to his men. He tends to keep a lot of emotional baggage and yet he is willing to take more on his shoulders for others. This overwhelms him at times, and he has been known to shut down for seemingly no reason. It is rare, but it has happened.

Qrow also shows favoritism. He prefers Gael and Curtis over a lot of the others, and deep down he justifies it as them being the sons he never got to have. He cherishes the boys, and sometimes it shows. He doesn’t try to be obvious with it, but most of the time his men see right through it. It doesn’t bother a lot of them, as Qrow is merely their leader. To a lot of them, he isn’t anything special; just an authority figure. Others take his favoritism personally, however, and even get “jealous” of it.

(Describe your character’s morals and ethics.)


Qrow was initially motivated by desire for revenge. He lost everything because of demons, thus he had a great drive to slaughter every last demon he came across to avenge his beloved family. After being picked up by the militia, he strove to become the strongest hunter there ever was just to kill demons more efficiently. With time he matured and realized that there was much more to live for than revenge... He had made a new family among the ranks of the militia, thus he decided to better himself and set an example for the rest of his comrades.

His motivations further changed when he met Curtis, and Gael. When training them he subconsciously developed a fatherly bond to them and strove to protect them in any way he could. Ever since he was a teenager, he had yearned for that sense of fatherly love for a child. He holds to Curtis and Gael closely, and to lose either of them would be devastating to him...

The Character’s Relationship With Others


He used to be viewed as a deranged and hot-headed killing machine. However, as he matured through the discipline of the organization, he turned over a new leaf for himself. Since he had made that change, he has earned the reputation of being the fatherly figure of the Combatant Faction.

Love Interest(s):
(It isn’t exactly clear if he ever had a romantic interest) 

A particular male demon has quite a fancy for the man though...

He considers almost everyone in his faction as a friend/ family member. It’s hard to narrow down just one specifically. While he is friendly with those in his faction, he hasn’t been too open about his past with any of them.


Damien Varris 

Damien was a demon in disguise who had fooled most everyone in the organization, except Gael. Qrow had tried to keep an open mind with Damien, as he was in fact peculiar than most others he has worked with. He understood the value of having a researcher with extensive knowledge of the underworld and its foul creatures on their side. 

However, the closer he got with Gael, the more Damien began to act suspiciously and the more Qrow began to grow cautious of him.

Damien was directly responsible for infecting Qrow with a demonic like illness that caused him to go mad and thirst for human blood. After his humanity had been restored (by Gael), Qrow had engaged Damien to save Gael, but he failed and Gael was kidnapped by the demon. For almost a full year he had been trying to find any traces of the demon or the chasms so that he could rescue Gael, and kill Damien, but alas he could never find them…

Resentment grew in his heart, as once again someone he cared about deeply was taken from him, but he still held onto his faith in Gael. He knew that one day he would return...



Gael is Qrow’s unofficially adopted son (of sorts). Qrow was out on a mission, trying to find and kill a pack of hellhounds (wolves) that had been terrorizing the local villages and slaughtering their people. He had started to track a peculiar child that these hounds seemed to be associated with. Suspicious, Qrow and his small squadron pursued the child and had eventually caught up to him after a few long days of travel. They found that the child had been badly injured by the creatures after seemingly trying to fight them off. After Qrow had concluded that the child wasn’t responsible for the attacks, he ended up taking Gael back to the nearest hideout with him so he could get the child fixed up. During the time that Gael was in his care, he had started to warm up to the boy. Despite Gael’s aloof, and quiet nature, he had started to reciprocate the kindness that Qrow had given him. Qrow grew attached to Gael, like that of a father to a beloved son. He was compelled to protect the boy, and cared for him unconditionally until Gael’s recovery. After many weeks of rest and recuperation, Gael had requested to become a member of the organization, as Qrow had inspired him to grow stronger. Qrow had hesitated, but the higher-ups granted Gael’s wish, and assigned Qrow the task of being his sword-master.

Now, Gael is Qrow’s second-in-command, and most trusted soldier.

Since Qrow had become Gael’s master, he has seen the boy grow up a lot. At 19, Gael was no longer the scared child that he had met in the woods 3 years ago. He was someone else entirely; he was strong, brave, and noble. Qrow holds great pride in how Gael has turned out and he is thankful for being blessed by the young man.


On one of Qrow's many expeditions, he had crossed paths with a young 14-year-old boy who was attacked by a band of thieves. Qrow didn't normally trifle with civilian squabbles, but in this case, an innocent was at risk, so he was willing to make an exception. He saved the young man's life and tended to his wounds before taking him to the closest village to be cared for. Never had he thought he would see that young man again.

Two years had passed and their paths crossed once again. This time the young man introduced himself as Curtis Marcum, and he asked if he could join Qrow and the militia's fight against the demonic oppressors, as he felt that he was indebted to Qrow for his act of kindness. Qrow was skeptical about letting Curtis join, but once Curtis had proved his worth he took the young man in and became his swordmaster.

Curtis was the first outsider he had taken in so quickly. He had never officially trained someone (for training was more of a group effort). However, since he had taken in a villager, he was responsible for him and was to be the one to teach and discipline him. Qrow had initially objected to training Curtis as he was unsure if he was cut out to have a personal apprentice. The higher-ups, however, thought he was more than capable of taking in a civilian. Eventually, he grew confident in both himself and Curtis. Curtis shaped into a proper young man, and his skills were unmatched by most other fighters.

The Character’s Abilities

Possessed Qrow


The demon that was implanted in Qrow allowed him inhuman capabilities, such as superhuman strength, and enhanced endurance. His speed and overall power had major boosts while he was under the control of the demon.

Origin of Powers:

Damien had infected Qrow with a seed that sprouted an infant demon inside of him. His mind and body were under its control and he hadn’t the power to resist it. He was taken over by it and it caused him to kill many of his fellow soldiers.


The powers seemed to have minimal side effects now that it has been removed. His endurance is heightened, as well as some of his physical strength, but not much else has undergone change.

While under its possession, Qrow’s anger was its main fuel. While it isn’t as much of weakness to it, it was to Qrow. Since it fed on his inner anger, it had a large supply of energy to feast on, thus making it stronger and much harder to resist.

Restrictions: --

Alternate Form(s):
When Qrow is under the demon’s possession, nothing big changes about him. The only things that are altered on him are his skin tone and his eyes. The right side of his face appears to be “cracked” and there are visible etchings below his eyes. His irises glow in this form, and the sclera have been seen to turn completely black.

Fighting Style/Info About the Weapon:

Qrow wields the signature weapons of all demon hunters. All demon hunters wield two swords, one being long and the other shorter. The long sword is used for one-on-one fighting, while the other is used for faster, stealth fighting. Both of the blades are enhanced with an elixir used to severely injure/or outright kill demons. The elixir is mixed with the molten metal used to make their swords, and no sword is forged without this enchantment. (The daggers they fight with are forged with the same enchanted metal)

Qrow is one of the only known fighters to have ever used both blades at one time. He doesn't do this often, but when desperate times, call for desperate measures, he is willing to pull such a stunt.

When it comes to a fight, Qrow is very light on his feet (unless kicking someone in the midsection, or in the face). The blade allows him to use a wide assortment of techniques in fighting off enemies.

Preferred Weapon(s): 

Qrow favors the long sword as it hold more power behind it. He offs grunt demons in a single hit, and personally he likes being more of a heavy hitter. That's not to say he doesn't use the short sword... just not as often.

Character Stats;

Knowledge: 7/10

Conceptualization Power: 5/10

Motivation: 10/10

Will to Act: 10/10

Agility: 8/10

Power Control: 8/10

Swordsmanship: 10/10

Hand-to-Hand Combat: 4/10

Long Range Accuracy: 3/10

Offense: 8/10

Defense: 5/10

Social Skills: 4/10

The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information


Some secluded village in the forest. It is one of the more obscure places in the region, so it isn’t very well-known, but they are self-sufficient and have no real need to mingle outside


Mother: Deceased

Father: Deceased

Nephew: Unknown

Brother: Unknown

Sister-In-Law: Unknown

Niece: Deceased

Familial/Character Background:

Qrow came from a long proud bloodline of demon hunters. The bloodline dates back as far as the first demon uprisings. His ancestors were some, if not the first known demon hunters to rise against the creatures from the underworld. Their traditions and ideals had been passed down for centuries. Every generation of their bloodline became a hunter in one way or another. They consider it their destiny. Qrow’s father was the first to completely disregard their tradition in favor of his own desires. He went as far as to run away with his wife and find a place far away from his family so he may raise his family away from the bloodshed, and horrible violence. He and his wife eventually gave birth to two sons. The family lived an average life in a farming village where they owned a modest cottage and made just enough to live comfortably.

Qrow was a really rowdy child growing up. Not a day went by where he didn’t cause some sort of trouble with his friends. Qrow was undisciplined and free-spirited, which led him to get into very sticky situations. His older brother, the well-behaved one of the two, would always bail his younger brother out of trouble and often scolded him about being so unruly. Qrow would ignore his brother’s scoldings most of the time and continued to have fun and be himself. Despite their direct contrasts, they still loved one another and looked out for each other.

Once Qrow had reached the age of 15, his father began to teach him the value of following your desires, but to also take a moment to prioritize and take responsibility for the things that are more important. Qrow had taken in what his father had taught him, but as he was still young and stubborn he continued to do what he wanted.

A few months after Qrow had turned 15, his village came under attack by unknown entities. The village had turned into a bloodbath, and among the villagers killed were Qrow’s mother and father. Qrow had tried to save his father from the demonic creatures but alas he had made it too late and watched as his father died in his arms. He searched desperately for his older brother, but amidst the chaos he couldn’t so he ran away from the village to escape being killed as well. When the air had gone silent, and Qrow had finally been left to his thoughts, the feeling had finally hit that everything he cared about, and everyone that he loved was taken from him. He refused to believe it. He was in denial that his life had been abruptly taken from him. His sorrow had soon begun to twist into anger and hatred. He vowed that one day he would take revenge on every last demon that crawled the earth; he would avenge his family.


Color: Natural colors (green, brown, blue, etc. He's around the natural world and he's come to appreciate its beauty)

Food: Bread (simple but filling to him)

Animal: All

Drink: He hasn't tried any other drink than water or wine, but he prefers water

Birthday: -TBA-

Siblings: He doesn't speak of his family, and no one asks, for it's still a very touchy subject for him...

Skills: -TBA-

Lives with: He is constantly on the move with his faction, but the one he is closest with is his pupil Gael

Admires: Gael (despite the hardship he has faced, he still remains a kindhearted and generous youth)

Enemies: Any and every demon to cross him

Life outlook: While the world has gone to hell, there are little things that are still worth fighting for

Self Image: He doesn't think about himself a lot, although he is fairly confident in his skill

Inner Demons: -TBA-

Optimist/Pessimist: Realistic

Real / Feigned: He is real through and through

Confidence Level: High

Self-control: He has very high self control

Discipline: High discipline

Morality Level: High

Political views: Progressive

Sexual Contact?: He had once wanted to have a child of his own when he was younger, but after the death of his family he felt that part of his life would never come. He especially felt that way after joining the organization. Gael is the closest thing he has to a son.

((Open this spoiler tab for ACTUAL spoilers!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED))

Qrow's Real Name: Raeth Auvenshine

Older Brother: Marth Auvenshine

Nephew: Raye Auvenshine

Niece: Hero Auvenshine

Future S/O: Darren