Qrow ((Moon Spirit) Qrow)



5 years, 1 month ago


Role: Qrow is the moon spirit; the realm's secondary ruler. The denizens of their realm consider him a king, like that of their sun spirit, Lord Xandros. He is in charge of bringing the night cycles, as well as cycling the tides of the ocean.

Education: Qrow is self educated for the most part. He is a highly intelligent being and knows things that most others do not. He knows almost everything one needs to know about their world and how it came into being, and also understands how most of its inhabitants work and behave.

Personality: Qrow is a gentle and very loving spirit. He is known among the other spirits as being open and giving, as well as being just an overall lovable person. Like Xandros, he is benevolent, and nurturing; like that of a father. Both he and the spirit of the sun have a reputation of being fatherly and gentle to the denizens of their realm. People consider Qrow to be a beautiful person inside and out, and a lot of them aspire to be like him, for he is their greatest role model. While he is a very kind and gentle person, Qrow is also a little naive due to being sheltered in their realm. He has never really visited another realm like Xandros, so he is a bit clueless to just how impure and dark other spirits and their rulers can be. He is not completely clueless, as he has met a fair share of jerks. Even a realm as pure and loving as theirs has come across a few "bad seeds", but he has never quite met anyone unimaginably despicable...

Outfit: Qrow wears a very elegant ballet suit most of the time. He wears this because he performs a dance with the ocean spirit that resembles that of ballet, and while he has other outfits in his wardrobe, he prefers this one.

Body Shape: He is slim compared to core Qrow. He is not as muscled, and broad, but he is just as tall and still maintains a very lean physique 

Eye Color: They seem to change between an icy blue and a very light lavender

Hair Color: Pure white, but upon closer inspection one might see the lavender highlights hiding in there

Posture: He is soft and gentle, and likes to portray himself as approachable so others won't be afraid to talk to him

Bio: Qrow has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. He is one of the eldest spirits to reside in Xandros's realm, and one of the wisest. He doesn't exactly know/ remember when he was born but that isn't really important to him. His focus remains on protecting his realm and keeping it in balance.

As time passed, he began to feel a little lonely. He longed to have a family, and would often voice these dreams to his fellow reigning spirit,  and greatest friend, Xandros. His friend had suggested he look into finding a mate, but Qrow was unsure of who to choose, as he has never fallen in love... he decided to give it more time and consideration and eventually dropped the idea of having a mate.

200 years later, Qrow was met with a mysterious and wonderful surprise. Three very young children had found their way into Lunar Hall, and the oldest had attempted to hide their presence from the moon spirit. However, Qrow found them and offered to give them shelter and care. The two youngest children quickly warmed up to Qrow while under his care, but the oldest boy (around 8 years old, approximately) wasn't so easily moved, and kept a lock on his heart and a buffer between Qrow and his brothers. 

Qrow never grew frustrated with the boy. Instead, he tried harder to be kind and gentle to make him feel safe and loved.

However, as much as Qrow tried to show the young man how much he cared... the child turned a cheek. He often locked himself away in his room and isolated himself from Qrow, as he did not trust him. As time passed, the eldest grew severely ill. Qrow, along with a healer, tended to the boy to restore him to full health. The moon spirit remained by his son's side until he finally awoke... and it was here that the child realized just how genuine Qrow's feelings were.

Eventually, the young man opened up and told Qrow how they ended up there. He was disgusted to discover that these young spirits were abandoned by their mother, who was a pretty well known higherup of questionable integrity. He promised he would take great care of them, and that he would raise them in a positive environment.

Qrow gave them their names, as they didn't have any. He named the eldest "Gregory", the second eldest "Leandre", and the youngest "Gael".

(I will write a little more later)