
Full Name: Pietro Cervantes

AKA: Pietro / Dad

Age: 30+ (Actual age unknown)

Gender: Male 

Species: Meowth Gijinka

Pietro is a mischievous, cheerful, but socially ignorant meowth who is actually quite happy to meet new people and learn new things about the world. Having grown up in an illegal, underground fighting ring, he has very little social skills, and doesn't always know what's acceptable in the real world. Pietro tends to have a bad temper and violent tendencies, but they're mostly rooted in him from his days as a fighter. Back then, violence and fights were not only encouraged, but usually rewarded, which skewed Pietro's view of the world severely for a long time. 

It wasn't until Pietro met Cervantes, a mediator mightyena in the fighting ring, that he began to learn better. Cervantes was kind, patient, and yet still amazingly strong and skilled. His friendship with him was Pietro's first glimpses into being better, and he was instantly attracted to these traits in Cervantes. Later on, he met and befriended two nurses who worked under the same master, Daniel and Sabrina. They were almost like parental/big sibling figures to the two, and they were a big influence on their development into more understanding, more caring individuals. 

However, after a particularly nasty insident (More on Cervantes' page) Pietro had enough, and decided to run away with Cervantes, seeking freedom from the horrible place they were stuck in. This is where they befriended a Lopunny gijinka, Erik Hawthorne, who helped them adapt to the outside world. 

After not knowing anything of the outside world, and his skills only being good in battles to a bitter death, Pietro found himself working as an assassin for a couple of years. He hated his job, however, as many times he found himself reverting into his violent, bloodlusting self from his past, and he even found himself enjoying the "hunt" a few times. This made him grow resentful of this new job, and he began to secretly look for ways to get himself out of the business, and find Cervantes a job he could love and enjoy. 

To his utter horror, however, Pietro was hired by a criminal group for a job that they did not expect him to come out of alive. He was to kill two Zoroarks who had killed and replaced a married couple who owned a large business they had kept an eye on. When seeing the two zoroarks from a rival gang take over, they sent Pietro in to kill them. They knew, however, that the other members of the criminal group would not take their elimination lightly, and would surely hunt and kill whoever took out their members. When Pietro succeeded in his mission, however, he realized that the couple had a young daughter, Dahlia, who was still alive, and was now orphaned... And overtaken by dread and remorse, Pietro took her, and him and Cervantes decided to look after her until they could figure out what to do about her. 

It was only a short time after that the criminal group tracked down Pietro, kidnapped him, and were planning on killing him before Cervantes managed to rescue him. The rescue only angered them further, and Cervantes was also taken some time after. While Pietro tried to track them down to get his lover back, he discovered the truth behind the attacks on Dahlia's family, and along with many secrets behind said criminal group's doing, and why he was hired. 

Once Cervantes was safe and back home, Pietro told him the truth about the job he had taken, and how they couldn't afford to leave Dahlia with any family, as her whole family was targeted and she would surely be killed if they found out she was the sole survivor of her family, and the rightful heir to the company they had been trying to take for themselves for such a long time. By now, Dahlia was still ignorant of the situation they were all in, and had grown to love and adore the pair as her "uncles", and they did not have the heart to abandon her in such a time of need. 

----- MORE TO BE ADDED (More on Cervantes' page)