Bottleshock (On The Shocks)



5 years, 29 days ago



On The Shocks

We don't turn anyone away. Unless you don't tip.

You're not really sure how many wrong turns it took you to wind up in this part of town, but needless to say, you're lost. The streets have potholes galore, the sidewalks have the occasional chunk missing, and every third or fourth building is boarded up and vacant. It's not exactly the best part of town, but you know that there's plenty of worse places than this one.

You continue walking down the street, kicking a chunk of broken asphalt until a faint pink glow illuminates the street. Looking up, you see a neon sign on a building, which simply reads "On The Shocks." Cupping your hands together in front of your face, you peer into the window, where you can see tables and chairs, a few odd booths, and a long bar with shelves of probably alcohol behind it.

All this walking has made you thirsty, so you decide to go in.

The bar is stuffed full of odds and ends, like the owner uses it as a personal storage facility masquerading as a beverage establishment. But who are you to judge?

The owner in question is standing behind the bar, listlessly rubbing the counter with a worn towel, looking bored out of his mind. He looks up as you approach him, mouth forming into a wide grin that showcases his golden saber fangs.

"Heyyy, just have a seat right there, why don't ya? What ya havin' tonight? Make it interesting; I got mostly everything."

Staff Members

It's not really a bar unless people work there, right? Bottleshock would prefer to run the place on his own, but between not filing his taxes and setting up scams for empty-headed Impim who don't know how to keep their money safe, he sometimes needs a few extra hands. Of course, he doesn't register them as employees. He hails them as volunteers, just so he doesn't have to file any paperwork. Everything is paid under the table (so he doesn't have to worry about them filing taxes either) and everything runs smoothly, for the most part.

Owner & Bartender (& Asshole)


Naturally, the bar that bears half his name maintains that Impim as its bartender. On most nights, he's behind the bar, levitating his heart out as he meticulously pours out his drinks, making sure not a single drop is wasted. He'll talk to the patrons and be somewhat polite, but that's only so he'll get them to tip. Still, he knows that if he wants loyal, repeat customers, he'll have to make a lot more of an effort to be nicer to them. He doesn't want to have to do that. It's gross.

Other Bartender (Not As Cool)


Bottleshock wasn't really all that happy about having to hire another bartender, mostly because he doesn't trust anyone else to do it, but it was just something he had to do. Most of the applications he received were thrown out, not satisfied with any of them, until he got the one from Razberry. It had none of the information filled out, except for his lone name, and "I know what the fuck I'm doing with booze" scribbled on the back. Shocks hired him without asking any questions.

Server (Customer Dealie-Wheelie)


The head server of On The Shocks is Sherbet, who actually met Bottleshock awhile back. Their initial meeting was a bit awkward, as Sherbet stole one of Bottleshock's hands and consumed its contents. However, Shocky was more or less impressed by how much she didn't give a fuck about being weird, so when he saw her name on the application, he was pleased. He's confident in her abilities, and knows she's not afraid to deal with the local scum. She's good for business.

Other Server (Sherbet's Underling)



Chef (Grand Food Wizard)


Bottleshock was a little wary of hiring this Impim, as he was worried that they might eat all of the food, and then some. However, Ke'o proved to be an excellent cook right off the bat, and didn't seem as interested in snacking as he was making amazing dishes. Ke'o has done nothing but uplift the kitchen at On The Shock's, including revamping the entire thing and introducing his own creations. It's only boosted the business, which Shocks only wants more of.

Line Cook (Fry-Dropper)



Busser (Epic Plate Juggler)


While Beans' application already had impressive qualities listed down, Bottleshock couldn't help but feel like his hands were proverbially tied since this particular Impim has too many links to the right people in his life. For one, she's practically a sister to Shocks' girlfriend, Rust, and Rust's best friend Aoya is Beans' mother of sorts. Shocks decided to spare himself the headache and to just hire her without any kind of complications. He doesn't need any of that nonsense.

Dishwasher (Nightmare Fuel)


Someone has to clean and do the dishes, and it's sure as hell not Bottleshock. He was a bit wary of hiring Oni, as the Impim made him more than a little nervous, but figuring out that Oni doesn't give a shit about anyone and was just wanting a job to lay low in, Bottleshock decided to give him the job. Feeling a bit of resonance with the Impim, regardless of how creepy he is, was all Shocky needed. Honestly, he's just grateful that he no longer has to wash the dishes.


Of course, it's always a lot more fun to go to a bar if there's something going on, right? Figuring that it might behoove him to have something to attract more customers to his business, Bottleshock has enlisted two talented music artists to perform at his bar on the weekends. They rotate, each performing every other weekend, respectively, but might occasionally pull a joint weekend together to potentially double their tips. Bottleshock doesn't pay them, but he does give them some free food. It's the best he can do when he's as stingy as he is.

Guitarist & Singer


It's taking Ezra a little bit of time to come out of his shell after losing his singing partner, but Bottleshock tries to give him the confidence (usually in the form of alcohol) to perform his best. Of course, Bottleshock is just in it for the potential money it can bring his bar, but at least it makes him look like he cares. He's actually rather fond of Ezra's music, but he'd never admit it in such a sentimental way.

Funky Fresh DJ


Reynus plays really well into On The Shocks. Their overall personal theme goes nicely with the bar's cluttered and neon aesthetic, and the kind of music they play hasn't annoyed Bottleshock yet. He especially likes the Impim they attract; his bar has a bit more of a reputation as a pseudo-nightclub on the nights that Reynus is there, and it makes them want to drink more. Making money is what Bottleshock lives for.
