Maxim Gorky



5 years, 3 months ago



Maxim Gorky

Makishimu Gōrikī
Макси́м Го́рькийн
Maksimka (by Yevgeny
Alyoshenka (by Lev
Maksimochka (by Fyodor and Lev)

Character Information
18 June 
145 lbs 
Italy, Opera, Public Chaos, Salvageabe Tech 
Government Authority, Religious Propaganda, Bad Hygiene, ADA 
Professional Information
Russian Government Agent (Former)
Independent Terrorist (Former)
Member of "Rats In The House Of The Dead"
Tech Expert

Russian Government (Former)
Rats In The House Of The Dead (Current)

Ability Name
Песня о Буревестнике (Pesnya o Burevestnike)
The Song Of The Stormy Petrel
Chapter -
Episode 24
Voice Actors

Maxim Gorky

Fedyenka, you're seriously not thinking about putting out Alek and Vanya together on the front lines are you? That's probably the worst decision you've made as of yet.

~ Maxim Gorky
Maxim Gorky ( マキシム・カラムシン Makishimu Gōrikī  ) is a character of Bungo Stray Dogs and a member of the Rats In The House Of The Dead. He is noted to be one of Fyodor Dostoevsky's closer allies, and the resident tech expert. Due to faulty information, Maxim is mistaken to be a rogue Ability User by the other organizations. His ability is called Pesnya o Burevestnike.

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Maxim is a tall man with a slender build standing at 6'1". He has fair skin with peach undertones, though his skin was a little lighter before he tanned it a bit. His eyes are ochre, with hooded eyelids. He has thick, arched eyebrows and short frizzy hair with bangs covering his right eye.


Maxim is strikingly "normal" compared to the other Rats, albeit much more vocal and abrasive. He is a man who will always make his opinions known, and will usually tend to try and assume responsibility in any given situation. Maxim find shimself to be a man of great pride in his abilities. He is very well aware of his own skills and is not afraid to show what he's made of. Underestimating him will only further fuel him to prove someone wrong. This being said, he has some sort of superiority complex. He is also known to be unbearably sarcastic on occasion.

Maxim's relatively higher position in the Rats tends to get to his head sometimes. Being part of Fyodor's inner circle along with Lev Tolstoy gives him way to be a bit more bossy and fussy around the other Rats. Despite the political authority he has over them, Maxim is not pleased with how he is disregarded by the rest of the Rats. He is not above attempting to scare them or use his Ability to keep them in place, reminding them just who is in Fyodor's inner circle. Despite being in the inner circle when it comes to authority over the Rats, Maxim's real loyalties lie with Lev Tolstoy.

As loud as Maxim is, he is very scheming and often plans his own moves without Fyodor's orders. He often tries to figure out the plans of his enemies, and use the other Rats as backup plans or scapegoats, whichever he feels like doing, whenever he fails. He likes to shock his enemies with his ability to plan and trap them, totally throwing them off from his usually loud personality.

Chaos and shaking others up and reducing them to fear are some of Maxim's greatest joys. He loves the chaos that pit men against each other, finding it amusing that men can be reduced into mere animals. Even people in power can do so, once the system is shaken enough. For this reason, Maxim finds no small amount of joy in power tripping. He takes a liking to watching everything burn before his eyes. If anyone so wished to share the view with him, who is he to keep them from doing so?

He is, for a number of reasons, incredibly petty and bitter. Every little defeat and disagreement, he holds a grudge to the grave. He remembers even the most insignificant instances wherein he has been slighted, and will always use it against people when he has the chance. These; howwever, have been displayed comically. Even with his own close allies, he confrontss them even for the smallest things. His impression of people depend on how much they have wronged him from the first meeting, and it's really up to the person to change his opinion on them. Maxim bears a grudge against any do-gooders, and finds himself more in agreement with morally gray individuals. However, pose a threat to him, and he will not take that lying down.


Maxim's Ability is called Pesnya o Burevestnike (Песня о Буревестнике 荒れ狂うペトレルの歌 Arekuruu Petoreru No Uta), a lightning-based Ability that allows Maxim full control over electricity. He is able to use his body as a conductor for electricity and can store and expel at will. Electrocuting him does not work, even with high voltages, as he only gets charged and more powerful. Getting hit by lightning just supercharges him. He can cause anything he touches to electrocute his enemies, though following the logic of electric conduction. For this reason, Maxim likes to fight in areas where there is plenty of metal or water.

A catch to Maxim's Ability is that his weakness is using electricity insulating materials. His ability will not work on rubber, glass, oil, or even dry wood. Any electrical insulators hinder Max from using his Ability with the environment. The logic to Maxim's weakness is but elementary.


Maxim was born as Alexei Maximovich Peshkov ( Алексе́й Макси́мович Пешко́в ) in Nizhny Novgorod to a lower class family. He was orphaned at an early age due to the harsh environment. Even when he was taken in by his grandmother in the wake of parents' deaths, Alexei did not live any better for numerous reasons. He ran off sometime later, becoming a child of the street. He first came to learn of his Ability in an electrocution incident, where an electric line snapped and hit him. He came out unscathed. However; since that incident, Alexei was able to use his ability when defending himself and fighting off threats.

Word of an ability using child in the streets on Nizhny Novgorod reached the Government, Alexei was taken in by authorities and transported to Moscow, where he was put in a facility with other Ability Using children. Alexei was given to a worker of the facility, who became his legal guardian. Alexei was put under supervision for the development of his Ability. For as long as he was provided, he was content. Due to his electricity based Ability, Alexei found himself learning how to work technology.

Due to being an Ability User and a subject of the Russian Government in his childhood, Alexei was granted a job as an agent at the age of 20. Alexei worked cordially with the government as an agent. He was sent to the United States of America for a few years to observe certain gifted organizations in the country. When he returned to Russia, Alexei decided to into the other Ability Users under the government's care, finding that those whos Abilities weren't developing well enough were disposed of. He unearthed other numerous offenses done by the government, such as abduction of dangerous Ability Users and running tests on them. Finding himself being treated as an animal his whole life, he collected this information and baited numerous criminal organizations within Russia to buy the information off of him. In an act of personal vengeance, he released all information he had on hand and sold more confidential information to different organizations.

Afterwards, Alexei found himself in a whirlwind of causing public chaos: destroying government facilities and openly opposing authorities. Embittered by being seen as a test subject, an animal, he took to reducing others to their most animalistic instincts. Before the government could catch him, he fled to Capri, where he associated with the local mafia running the place. He continued to leak information and protect himself from Russian agents who discovered his location. Here, he met Lev Tolstoy, whom he became particularly close to. Some years later, Alexei was approached by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, who caught wind of his criminal activity back in Russia. There was an incentive for Fyodor upon knowing that Alexei was a powerful Ability User as well. Alexei is one of the earlier members of the Rats in The House Of The Dead.

Upon returning to Russia, Alexei Peshkov was no more, and instead, he went on to continue his life as Maxim Gorky. Currently, he is one of the more authoritative figures within the organization. Due to being held on a leash by Fyodor and Lev, Maxim had to keep himself from causing chaos when it wasn't appropriate.


Maxim is first seen in Episode 24 in front of a computer screen, pleased that he siezed control of the control panel used for Moby Dick, allowing the large whale to crash into the port of Yokohama. His eyes aren't seen, being covered by his fuschia shades.

Maxim is seen in Chapter 51 having tea with Fyodor Dostoyevsky and the rest of the Rats In The House Of The Dead. While Ivan Goncharov and Alexander Pushkin was part of the first save, then Nikolai Karamzin, Dmitri Glukhovsky and Aleksandr Solshenitsyn the second wave. However; Maxim was held back alongside Lev Tolstoy to wait upon orders from Fyodor.

[[ TBA ]]


  • One of Maxim's favorite things to do is to cause power outages within the Rats HQ when everyone is getting a little unbearable.
  • Maxim is fluent in Russian, English and Italian. He can easily make conversations in English, but on occasion will act as if he doesn't understand, if only to irritate someone.
  • Much to the disdain of the Rats, Maxim is often found to smell like obnoxiously expensive men's cologne.
  • Despite his higher position within the Rats, the rest don't really value his opinion so much due to very loose connections they all have with each other.
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Profile by Erandia
Edits by roslintheredfox