John Keats





John Keats

Jon Kītsu
Ominous Bastard
Cuckoo Bastard
Little Bird (by Fyodor)
Alichino (Malebranche)

Character Information
31 October 
131 lbs 

Deceased (Killed by Vladimir Mayakovsky
People's Secrets, Theatre, World Music, The Beach, His Ability 
Flashing lights, Order of The Clock Tower, Small Rooms, Messy Deaths 
Professional Information
Order Member (Former)
Guild Member (Former)
Spy (Former)

Order of The Clock Tower (Former)
The Guild (Former)
Malebranche (Former)
Rats in The House of The Dead (???)

Ability Name
Ode to a Nightingale
Ode to a Nightingale
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Voice Actors
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John Keats

Ah! I warned you about breathing in the smoke! Now look at you, a depressive numb mess! I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you until the effects wear off, because I can't have an unintended murder-suicide in my hands; I'll get in trouble again!

~ John Keats
John Keats ( ジョン・キーツ Jon Kītsu  ) is a character of Bungou Stray Dogs and is a former member of the Order of The Clock Tower, who left the organization out of immense guilt after it set up Mimic to do war crimes. He went under the radar for around a year, merely existing until he was found by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, who took him in briefly until letting him go a few months later. For a few months afterwards, he was an independent assassin until coming to the service of William Blake, becoming his assistant. Through his services to Blake, he had been personally recruited into the Guild. After the Guild's defeat, he has been seen associating with The Rats in The House Of The Dead. His Ability is named Ode to a Nightingale.

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Keats is an average sized man standing at 5'8". His overall colors are rather pale, making him look rather sickly. His skin is pale with peach undertones and his pale green eyes are large and doe-like. Keats' hair is chin length, wavy and messily styled. He is always seen with a hat and his face mask, which he uses to "control" his Ability.


At the start of his appearance, Keats comes off as a mild mannered, and rather friendly. His body language is meek, but his tone is rather bright. Despite his very mild personality, he always has a curious look in his eye that can be unsettling to many; as if he was trying to examine someone. Despite his almost sheepish disposition, Keats does not seem to mind being around people or holding conversation when spoken to. He also acts rather humbled and down to earth, coming off as overall docile.

Fairly welcoming and friendly, Keats is a pleasing conversationalist when it comes down to it. However; he has a notable lack of filter and often ends up saying some cryptic things, causing him to come off as suspicious on some occasions. While he's quick to take back what he says, how much he does mean in his apologies are questionable. Despite his docile demeanor, Keats is incredibly guarded and secretive, not letting anybody on his past, his Ability, or most personal things. When asked about it, he will begin to display slight discomfort.

He is also notably unable to fall into negative emotional states, and also has an evident lack of fear in situations that can be deemed dangerous for him or in situations wherein he has a clear physical disadvantage. While he can feel surprise and shock, sadness and fear are absent from him. Keats also seems to fall into mildly threatening states, telling others about what his Ability can make them do to themselves and he will simply watch, hinting at a sadistic side to him. He is; however, at least capable of connecting and sympathizing with others to a fair extent. Keats' irregular reactions in regards to negative emotions are a result of tampering and damages done to his brain. The only two things that seem to trigger Keats into severe distress are being pulled by the hair and being trapped in tight spaces; the former causing him to react violently and frantically, the latter of which shows that he suffers claustrophobia.

Keats has two main moods; neutral and positive. He always seems to be in a happier mood than most, as he shows in his rather lively interactions with people. However; in these interactions, Keats acts completely oblivious to others' discomfort in him, often disregarding their discomfort because he believes himself to be harmless to them. I his head, as long as he intends to not harm anybody, it is fine. If signs of his Ability begin to show on others, his two reactions are to stay and watch what happens and maybe get something out of it, or leave; the former when he simply just doesn't care, and the latter when he feels some conscience in his actions.

As the series progresses, Keats appears to be having difficulty coming to grips with his own sanity and reality, the tampering on his brain beginning to fully take effect. When not anxious and paranoid, he's manic. He begins to suffer bouts of mania and had developed a frightening sadistic streak, enjoying striking fear in people and watching how people cower to the idea of his Ability. He becomes completely apathetic to others, and hyperfocuses on unearthing what people hide about themselves. During his bouts of mania, he is prone to exclaiming that people don't know what suffering is truly like, and that they have to feel and know what goes in his head constantly, often ending shaking in tears and pulling at his own hair. At its worst, Keats ends up violent and attacks indiscriminately, which ended up leading to his death.

It gets revealed by former operatives of The Order Of The Clock Tower that prior to resurfacing as an operative of the Guild, Keats was by far the complete opposite of his upbeat personality. He was mostly depressive, anxious and most of all terrified of others getting close to him. He was terrified of most people, always hid and was on his lonesome due to some form of self loathing and personal feelings about his ability. He was quiet, frail, constantly shaking and almost always in tears. He couldn't speak to people and refused to, harshly shoving them off to run away in a panic. So when he resurfaced as a happy and sociable man, it was a matter of very clear concern due to something being very off with his new disposition.


Keats' Ability is called Ode to a Nightingale ( ナイチンゲールの歌 Naichingēru no Uta ). The Ability enables him to manipulate someone's emotions and thought process negatively, pulling them downards into melancholic to even severely depressive states. Keats can also cause someone to become depressive enough to ponder and commit suicide. With this Ability, he can easily cloud someone's judgement and manipulate them into doing his bidding.

For his Ability to activate, it works like airborne illnesses, as he can simply breathe or blow onto people. For farther reach and stronger effect, he uses vape or smoke (the former works much better for him) to get the job done. Even though he can also work his Ability by spitting, he finds it unhygenic. Any form of transfer from his mouth to someone else will guarantee some form of result.

Because the Ability is activated by him simply breathing, Keats keeps his mouth covered. However; it is revealed that he can always disable his Ability at will, and that he simply doesn't want to disable it. An evident drawback to Keats' Ability is his health. He has a chronic cough due to sufferinf a chain smoking habit in his youth, and it hasn't been particularly remedied by his vaping either. So even if he tried to disable his Ability, it can simply act up again due to his chronic coughing.

A telling sign of his Ability being active is the fact that his victims' eyes becoming cloudy, as if smoke were trapped in their eyes. The two ways that one can escape this Ability is to have mental resolve to fight incoming intrusive thoughts; or if Keats wills the effect away, the latter of which he barely ever does. Should one commit suicide through this Ability, the swirling cloudiness in their eyes remain.


John Keats was born in Moorgate, London, as the firstborn of Thomas Keats and Frances Jennings. He had younger siblings: George, Thomas and Frances Mary. The family were of humble origins, but mostly struggled to afford for their four children. Being the eldest, John was sent to school while his siblings were homeschooled by their mother.

Being unable to really support all four of the Keats children, John and his siblings were sent to Edmonton, Einfield, to live with their maternal grandparents. Due to their grandparents being well off, all four Keats children were at least sent to school.


Keats is first introduced as a member of the Guild and as William Blake's personal assistant.

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When the Cannibalism Operation failed, Fyodor sought out Keats, who happily sought audience with him. Keats was made victim to Fyodor's procedures on the human brain once again, the result gradually showing itself as Keats sanity slowly spiraled downwards, affecting his perception of time, people and reality. Fyodor's intentions was to use Keats to try and eliminate other people from enemy organizations.

After most of the Rats betray Fyodor Dostoyevsky and go their own ways, Keats is found frazzled and seemingly lost his touch with most reality. When approached by Nikolai Karamzin in help discerning Dmitri Glukohvsky's plans, Keats takes advantage of the situation, and damages Dmitri far more than originally intended, forcing Nikolai to knock him unconscious. However; due to the damage done, Dmitri is in severe mental torment and forces Nikolai to kill him. Keats remains unconscious even after Dmitri "ressurects" thanks to his Dark Ones.

At an unknown point in time afterwards, Keats' sanity is hanging on by a thread, and is only remedied with chain smoking. Keats in this state had been suffering terrible coughing fits and derealization, a result of Fyodor tampering with his brain as a fallback in case the Cannibalism Operation had failed. When Keats is found by Vladimir Mayakovsky, his derealization has gotten the best of him, and attempts to kill Vladimir with his Ability, believing the latter isn't real. In a desperate need to defend himself, Vladimir kills Keats before Ode to a Nightingale could take effect.


  • Keats has displayed behaviors present in claustrophobia
  • When alone, he's often found humming. He has a taste for World Music and very much likes Italian Music and Russian Opera
  • Fyodor referring to Keats as a "Little Bird" and subsequently treating him like a pet is massively unsettling for the Rats.
  • There are some people that Keats doesn't feel the need to use his Ability on, and these are people he doesn't see as threats.
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Profile by Erandia
Edits by roslintheredfox