♡ Amaryllis



5 years, 2 months ago



ELN 1058


Quote here. . .


Amaryllis comes off as spiteful and untrusting , resorting to acts of aggression first instead of chancing strangers' intentions with her. She's rather emotionally reserved , and has wedged a barrier between herself and others so that she can avoid the pain inflicted that's always associated with trust.

Beneath it all is a young girl who's desperate to prove herself to be someone with a good heart. Her abandonment issues stem directly from an arranged marriage that she blames herself to this day for not securing. Cynicism clings to her like her own shadow , and expects the worst from every situation and person she encounters -- because it's so much easier to ignore lonliness rather than cope with the disappointment every time.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Name Amaryllis
Species Kittom
Masterlist #1058
Gender Female ( She / Her )
Age 15 ( Current ) / ( 06 / 10 )
Relationship Crushing
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Location Eyre , Faerindell
Status NFT / NFS
Worth 60 USD
Rank Noble
MP 11

Hair [✦✦✦✧]
Ear Fluff [✧✧✧✧]
Tail Size [✦✧✧✧]
Tail Style Zephyr - [✦✦✦✦]
Crown Infused Diadem - [✦✦✦✧]

Mutation Dual-Toned Anima
Mutation *Gilded Anima
Mutation *Leggy Fluff
Mutation Maned
Mutation *Slinky
Mutation Winglets ( Fae )
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus sem urna. Sed fermentum enim id augue tristique consectetur. Cras sagittis est in erat suscipit tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus sem urna. Sed fermentum enim id augue tristique consectetur. Cras sagittis est in erat suscipit tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus sem urna. Sed fermentum enim id augue tristique consectetur. Cras sagittis est in erat suscipit tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus sem urna. Sed fermentum enim id augue tristique consectetur. Cras sagittis est in erat suscipit tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus sem urna. Sed fermentum enim id augue tristique consectetur. Cras sagittis est in erat suscipit tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus sem urna. Sed fermentum enim id augue tristique consectetur. Cras sagittis est in erat suscipit tincidunt.
  • Amaryllis used to take pride in her name and thought it was quite beautiful , especially since her former friend and ex-fiancé thought so as well.
  • Amaryllis would go by either ''Aryllis'' or ''Ari'' afterwards , not wanting a name associated with a flower so she wouldn't be tied down to her past.
  • She enjoys traveling , something she wasn't allowed to do whenever she was younger.
  • Faerindell has felt the most like home to this Elnin and she's decided to plant roots down in the region.
  • Amaryllis has a soft and plush appearance with all that fur of hers.
  • She has fae winglets only on her front legs , as well as the corner of her eyes.
  • A bit of Trivia.

Song Name