


5 years, 2 months ago


Dad is a 31 year old man, who grew up on the streets without a penny to his name. With a busy escort for a Mother and an unknown Father, he grew up raised by the theives and harlots that lurked within the shadows of the city. These people however, did not treat him wrong. Each truly cared for the boy, and gave him a name long since forgotten. At the age of 12, as soon as he could make it on his own, he began to help other children like himself through begging, stealing, and fighting for whatever money he could make. Most nights were cold, but he always made enough to make sure each child in his care went to sleep with a full belly and a warm blanket. The better he got at odd jobs and theiving, the more children he could take under his wing, and so currently 14 children are in his care, all crammed into a small shack on the edge of a town. Despite his love of children, none of them are actually his biological offspring. He strongly believes that their is enough life in the world already, and that people should focus on helping lives already there than creating new ones.

He is strong, easygoing, and would stab anyone who hurt his children in a heartbeat.

His true name is long forgotten, and he tends to keep whatever people like to call him rather than bring up old memories. Nowadays, most people will call him "The Dad with too many Kids."