


5 years, 3 months ago



Name Sid
Age 19
Gender Male
Race Mignyan/Marsh Hare
Sexuality Pansexual/Demiromantic
Build A bit chunky, but height evens it out
Occupation College Student/Conspiracy Theorist
Worth Base: 50$ Art: +19$

An extremely laid back and chillax guy, nothing seems to ever bother Sid or make him upset. Having a good time basking in the vices of humans while also toying with the paranoid community theorists are his hobbies; even telling them risky truths. He firmly believes that even if they attempted to spill the crab secrets, nobody would believe the looney bins that'd attempt to spill! He has a good time making people think they're crazy, which is even funnier when the crazies are telling the truth! Other than that he's a NEET living off of his parent's money, and struggling to get a job with his strange social mannerisms.

  • Very crass, an asshole.
  • Off the computer screen he's extremely socially awkward.
  • On the computer he is extremely literate, as well as composed. He's amazing at sourcing, and making people think/believe things he says.
  • Very independent on the web.... It's not the same in the real world.

  • Always puts on way too much styling gel in his hair for job interviews.
  • Hates wearing his glasses in public, but has to or else he's blinder than guassian blur.
  • His mig meat isn't slimy, but a but........ Damp.
  • He actively feeds the mushrooms, slowing the decay of the meat down.
  • Surprisingly doesn't smell like rotting meat, but just a sweaty boy.
Design Notes



  • Conspiracies.
  • Easily manipulating people to his point of view, mostly backed by proofs.
  • Being holed up in his room.
  • Spiders.
  • Junk food.

  • Getting Wet, especially baths.
  • Job hunting.
  • Being outside the house.
  • Wearing suits or tight clothing. (Though he looks amazing in things that fit!)
  • Sleeping.
  • People trying to disprove him while being undereducated on the matter.
  • Personality tests.


