
5 years, 3 months ago


✦ Details
Name Kitu
Gender Male
Age 8
World N/A
Species Demon
Ethnicity Tanuki
Home N/A
Occupation Child
Sexuality N/A
✦ Appearance
Height 4'10"
Body Type Short and a touch chubby
Hair Style Middle parted, long and always in a small ponytail
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Brown
Skin Color Tan
Clothing Style Traditional Japanese
Other He has raccoon dog ears and a long fluffy tail
✦ Likes
✦ Dislikes
✦ Hobbies
Skipping stones
Playing light pranks
✦ Traits
✦ Flaws
Loyal to a fault
✦ Phobias
✦ Backstory

Kitu woke up one afternoon having completely forgotten everything Scared and confused, Kitu wandered the forest for hours, searching for someone that might know who or where he is.Finally, he found Judis. Despire being a complete stranger, Judis offered Kitu food and shelter while he tries to remember where he came from or what his family was like. Judis even tried to help Kitu find where he might have come from, to no avail. Eventually, the stranger had to take his leave and return to his business... but offered Kitu a job if he wanted to come with him. Kitu happily accpeted his offer.

Kitu travels everywhere with Judis, helping gather customers and helping him sell his goods. He is very happy with his job.

✦ Trivia
● Although Kitu cannot remember his past, the reason his family is missing is because of Kitu's own actions.
● Kitu can transform, but he can't hold the transformation for very long. He's too young and too weak to hold something very strenuious either.
● Out of all the characters, Kitu has changed the mosst personality-wise
● Kitu doesn't like travelling through hell too much. People aren't very kind to children there.
✦ Relationships
Tsuki Tenshi Suki is a pretty angel that plays with him whenever they meet up. So far, she is the only angel that is nice to him.
Judis Judis is the kind business man that took Kitu in when he had nowhere else to go. Kitu sees him as a father figure, but he'd never tell Judis that to his face.

profile html by Hukiolukio