Draco Valenti



5 years, 2 months ago


Draco Valenti

Called Draco

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 42

Race Baku

Role King of Demons

Theme All I Ask of You

HTML Pinky


King Draco Valenti is a troubled man. He has a lot of power, but he just has so much on his mind. He knows he needs to focus on being a good king, but he’s always distracted by his wondrous fantasies and crippling nightmares. He doesn’t mean to neglect his duties as king, but he just has so much going on… surely his people will understand if they just try to understand him.

Things in hell are pretty tense, even someone as disconnected as Draco knows that. But more important than that- he is quite busy looking for his long-lost love that's been missing for many years. Though things are tough right now, once she is found Draco is sure that everything will be better. With love, all things can be forgiven.


Height 6’

Build Normal build, on the thin side. No real muscle.

Eyes Green

Skin Tone Pale, almost greenish in color

Hair Color Black with green undertones

Hair Style Medium length, usually a little messy

Demeanor Composed, a bit standoffish


  • Instead of wearing a traditional crown, he prefers to wear the royal jewels around his horns using thread.
  • He can usually be seen wearing formal clothing, even when alone.
  • He can also always be seen wearing gloves; he never takes them off.
  • In his youth, he always wore his hair in a neat ponytail, but since the loss of his lover he wears it down.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

On the surface Draco is a simple man. Others look at him and see a careless, lazy king with no interest in his responsibilities. But underneath all that lies a sensitive, lovelorn man that just longs to fix his broken heart. He’s quite unstable, it’s very easy to offend him. He tries not to lash out, but it can be difficult for him to control his emotions. He’s not really the type to confront his problems head on, he tends to run away and try to forget his issues. Due to these problems, he struggles keeping friends around. His loneliness only adds to his instability. He tries to soothe his mind with social gatherings and recreation, but his methods tend to take all his time, leaving no opportunities to be there for his people. He’ll get around to fixing hell eventually… probably.



Sugar isn’t an easy thing to get in hell, but sweets are one of the few things that bring him comfort.. so he makes sure to have plenty around for his use only.


It’s taste leaves something to be desired, but drinking lets him lose his inhibitions and make him feel more confident. He likes to drink socially so he comes off more casual when he speaks.

The arts

While he can appreciate good art as well as anyone else, he’s much more fond of the artists that create beautiful pieces of work. Through their work he can feel peace and see beauty from someone else’s perspective.


Really, any event that brings people together. He likes to socialize and catch up on all the latest gossip.



He hates the bitter taste and grainy feeling on his tongue. Still though, a necessary evil for someone who can’t sleep.


One of the many things he is sensitive about. He is the King, no one should be questioning his authority or methods. Regardless on whether he’s doing a good job or not, others shouldn’t step out of place.


Something that is hard to come by but also unfortunately inevitable. Draco has a nightmare problem, so he prefers to stay awake as long as possible.

Loose clothing

Clothes that feel loose make him anxious, he prefers knowing his skin is completely covered.



Draco’s childhood was a dull one. He had spent his entire youth just getting prepared to be king one day. He knew it was an important job, but he was never allowed to just be himself. He always had to push himself- to study, to be polite and well mannered, to make boring conversation with people he didn’t care about. All he did was push himself.. and it was all so dreadfully boring. He knew all his “friends” were just close to him because he was a prince, so hanging out with them was a drag as well. He didn’t have any outlet to have fun or relax. So he grew to resent his family, and his title. He knew that being king was only going to be worse, so he dreaded the day he would have to take his place on the throne.

When Draco got a little bit older, his parents allowed him to start planning social gatherings with the rich and powerful people he would need one day to support him. They figured it would be a good way to get to know his people, and give him an outlet to have some sort of fun. Draco resisted the idea of rubbing elbows with people he didn’t know or like, but still ended up going through with it. Although it was still horribly boring to converse with people that only wanted to use him, it was still better than studying in his room. It was tolerable enough, and gave him a break from his work, so his parties became something of a regular thing in the castle. Still though, Draco longed for something to change his boring life.

Missed Connections

Then, something he didn’t expect happened. Everytime he threw a party, he had sent an invitation to the angel royals as a formality. If he hadn’t, it would have looked bad on him and his parties.. so he always sent one with the understanding that they would never show. But, one night, “she” appeared. “She” was Constance Myst, the newly crowned queen of angels. She was an otherworldly beauty, unmatched by any demon Draco knew. She had an aura that was unlike anyone he’d ever met, and he was immediately entranced. He had to get to talk to her. So he approached her and asked her for a dance, nothing more. From there, they spent the entire night together. Laughing and dancing. Draco had never had so much fun in his entire life… and it was all thanks to her.

Draco found that while on the surface she was a gorgeous and benevolent leader, on the inside she was just a lonely girl starved of fun. Just like him. They bonded over their shared resentment of their positions, and comforted one another. It wasn’t long before they were having an affair. It was just fun at first, but Draco really started to become attached. Too attached. Inside, he started to feel all sorts of things he didn’t even think were possible. Before he knew it, he was in love with her. He felt anxious whenever she wasn’t around, and kept her from leaving his side as long as possible. He became possessive of her, and hated seeing her even look towards other men. All this started to scare the angel, and she broke things off. Even worse than that, when he found her in hell again, she was in the arms of some broke peasant. It sent him into such a rage he attacked the man and killed him. The queen left, and when she returned, it was on a formal visit with her brother. They requested a formal apology for attempting to assault the queen. Draco became infuriated, and refused. How could he have known that would have not only caused a war to break out, but also the death of the woman he loved so dearly.

Fixing Mistakes

The war was long and harsh, far more taxing than Draco had initially thought it would be. The tense air between the opposing worlds grew stronger by the day, but Draco couldn’t focus on the war at all. All he could do was mourn the loss of Constance, who had died of mysterious circumstances at some point in the war. Draco was beside himself, and stayed holed up in his castle for the bulk of the war… which the people of hell took notice of. His parents noticed this too, and refused to let him be spoiled any longer. In the 6th year of the war, Draco was crowned as king and he took his place on the throne. The exhausted people actually fighting the war weren’t too pleased about this development, seeing as the war was Draco’s fault in the first place. Even still, the war went on. It had gone on for 10 years, but there seemed to be no end to the suffering. Both sides exhausted their resources, and did far more damage on the opposing side than they realized. So much so, the war turned into a cold stalemate. Both stepped back to regroup, and now waits for the other to attack.

It’s been 9 years since the war went cold. Hell is barely holding together, trying to rebuild from the active fighting while also fearing Heaven’s next attack. Draco is more concerned with other things though. A few years ago, Draco had heard rumors of Constance having a child before she died. Something of a “long-lost” princess that is hidden away somewhere on earth. Draco doesn’t know why she would be there, or if the rumor is even true… but he isn’t going to let those things stop him from getting his love back. She may not be Constance herself, but just having Constance’s child near him would surely bring peace to his tormented soul. To search for the princess, Draco sent his most trusted student, and then hired a couple of thugs to guard him while he searches. Finding the princess wasn’t too hard, but getting her away from her protectors has proved to be more difficult than expected/ Doesn’t help that his own student and hired guards turned their back on him to be with the princess… but none of it matters. He’s waited this long to have his love back, he will simply bide his time and find the perfect time to retrieve her himself.







His one true love, the woman he would gladly start wars over. A beautiful, intelligent, and kind Queen with whom Draco relates to a lot. Just a girl that was forced to be queen, even though she didn’t want it. She showed Draco what it meant to love.


Miku Lovecraft


A troubled young man with a bright future ahead of him. A talented pianist that ran into a bit of trouble with his family some years ago. Draco decided to support the boy to make sure his talents didn’t go to waste.


John Smith

Closest Friend

Truly the only “real” friend Draco has ever had. A mysterious human that appeared during the war, and somehow managed to keep up with the demons and angels he fought with or against. A crafty, smart man that has earned Draco’s complete trust and respect. Draco even tried to turn him into a demon once… though the process failed. Draco now keeps him holed away in his castle to protect him.