Kah Myst



5 years, 3 months ago


Kah Myst

Called Lord Kah

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 40

Race Archangel

Role King of Angels

Theme Whisper

HTML Pinky


King of Angels, Lord Kah. While on the surface he’s a soft-spoken, weak looking man, he’s got a presence that's hard to ignore. He is deeply respected by his people, but he keeps a healthy distance from them… as well as everyone else. Others know very little about Kah, or the strange events that lead to him becoming king. Perhaps though, that’s for the best.

Kah is a dedicated man, taking his role as king extremely seriously. He looks after his people, and longs for a future without the fear of demons infecting their world. He dreams of a “clean” future, and fights for it every day. Some might say his methods are harsh, but it’s all for the sake of his dreams and protecting his people. As far as Kah is concerned, there is no expense too great for those things.


Height 5’9”

Build Thin and delicate

Eyes Dull blue

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color Blond

Hair Style Long, usually tied up or put into a braid.

Demeanor Relaxed and soft-spoken


  • Half of his face is covered by his hair. Most believe it’s just a weird fashion choice.
  • Kah wears robes and jewelry that appear too big and tend to hang off of him.
  • It’s rumored that he has two sets of wings, but he never shows them off.
  • He has the habit of lounging whenever he sits.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Lord Kah is a quiet, somewhat mysterious man that smiles a lot. He’s good at placating people and dodging questions. Some might say this makes him an untrustworthy king, but his people are surprisingly loyal to him. He is called thoughtful and wise, and is always looking to protect his people. He longs to rid Heaven of any and all creatures that would do him and his people harm, and he is a very thorough man. He won’t rest until every evil creature is gone from his perfect world.



It’s one of the few things he can take pleasure in while under the extreme pressure of being King.


He is a firm believer that everything has its place, and he can’t truly be happy until everything is where it should be.


One of his few hobbies, the delicate and intricate way you drag your pen on paper is soothing to him.


Debates and rooting out problems within society, working with others to solve issues.. It’s like an ever evolving puzzle in which you must delicately balance real lives in your hand. It’s a lot of pressure, but something he enjoys.


“Filthy Beings”

Any being, be it human, demon, or even angel, that has not acknowledged and repented for their innate sinful nature is considered a “filthy being” to Kah. He detests them, and longs to rid the world of them.


To Kah, everything and everyone has a place they should be. When things get out of line, and chaos ensues, Kah can only feel stressed and anxious. It’s better for everything to be organized.


Although a necessary evil at times, Kah sees violence as barbaric and filthy. He would prefer to never have to see it, and does what he can to avoid it.


Kah finds their beauty to be deceptive, and considers them leeches to the earth. They take many resources to live and contribute very little in his eyes.



Kah had a quite lonely childhood. Being the second child, most of everyone’s attention was on his older sister and her many achievements. Seeing as she was going to be the next ruler of Heaven, it only made sense that everyone was always watching her. Still though, Kah couldn’t help but compare himself to her. Initially he just wanted to be like her, and one day achieve as much as she had, but at some point he turned it into a competition. He pushed himself to improve so maybe, his parents would consider him instead… but such a dream was too far to reach for. His parents snuffed the idea out long before he could catch up to her.

Then, Kah saw his sister for who she truly was. An irresponsible and anxious girl afraid of her future. Despite having all the love and attention in heaven fixed on her, she refused her destiny and tried to run away. She even tried to give her throne up to him, though their parents never even gave it a thought. It was then Kah became disillusioned, and stopped trying to compete with her. She wasn’t even trying and yet everyone adored her… there was no room for a second child like him. Still though, he remained an ally to his sister. He consoled her through her fears and gave advice when she was about to break. He really did everything he could for her.

Finding Himself

Since he stopped trying to compete for her spot, he found himself becoming more of a scholar. Studying was his strong suit, and he used his knowledge to guide his sister. Though many years had passed, Constance’s aversion to her work had not changed. So he helped her out where he could, usually looking over her paperwork and giving her advice when an issue arose. Through the years, Kah became a strong confidant for Constance, and she leaned on him a lot leading up to, and after her coronation for support and comfort. When his sister ascended the throne, everyone expected Kah to become a knight, or perhaps appeal to get onto the council. But Kah remained by his sister and became her personal adviser. Some believed this to be a waste, but Kah had a distaste for violence… and the council was a pain to deal with. So he continued to help his sister, though even that started getting more difficult.

Moving Up

After Constance attended a ball in heaven to “strengthen political ties”, she began seeing a demon. The very prince no less. Although Kah disapproved of her new company, Kah agreed to help her. He would watch over her work and hide the truth of where she was when she went to go see him. The public noticed her absence, but Kah was a fine substitute. Although Constance was beloved, her lack of interest in fixing problems didn’t escape the public eye. So some welcomed Kah’s leadership, but most wondered where their beloved queen was. This continued even after she said she had broken up with her demon lover, as she continued to sneak out. Kah never questioned it. He merely focused on his sister’s work

Things changed however when Constance came running back home after one of her trips to hell in a panic. Apparently she had broken up with the prince to be with some peasant. When the prince found out, he killed the other man and tried to take Constance back with him. Constance pleaded with Kah to help her. Try to save her lost love, and get the prince off her back. Kah agreed… but this time it wouldn’t be for free. She would have to give up her throne and title, and live the rest of her days peacefully in heaven. She was far too reckless and short sighted to be queen. Constance agreed and they went to hell to fix the mess Constance had made. However, they were too late to save her lover, and the prince wasn’t going to give up Constance without a fight. He started a war to win her back, all Kah could do was fight back. During the chaos of the impending war, Constance also revealed that she was pregnant. Everyone was shocked by the announcement, but most were happy for the good news amongst all the war talk. Kah was one of the very few who knew the truth about the child, who their father was. He knew the child wouldn’t be accepted if the truth were to come out, so he hid it. It was the last kindness he could extend to his sister before she died in childbirth. After the child was born, Constance’s servant escaped with the child and fled to earth. Kah let them go, no reason to keep an unwanted child with no parent around.

The war was long and harsh, on both ends. 10 years passed with both giving their all to finally conquer the other side, but ultimately they were evenly matched. They entered a stalemate, and both sides had to back out to recover their lost resources. That's where the war has stayed for the past 9 years, and now Kah sits upon the throne trying to keep the delicate peace. Rumors of the long lost princess are spreading, and it appears that the prince, now the king, of hell is looking for her. Although Kah has been keeping an eye on her since they fled to earth, the sudden surge of demon activity makes Kah a bit anxious… so he sends reinforcements to keep the princess safe. Really though, perhaps it’d be better to bring her to the castle and keep her safe there…






Personal Knight

A very talented and loyal knight, Kah trusts him absolutely. He was sent to earth to watch over the princess and protect her from harm, but ultimately he remains Kah’s personal knight.



Pitiful Warrior

Once the strongest soldier in his employ, but now is reduced to a healer with nowhere to go. Kah once admired her strength and loyalty, but since her injury, she has since been sent to assist Takeru in looking after the princess. She is safer there.




Kah’s very beloved older sister. Although she is gone now, he thinks of her often. She was a mess, and bad at her job, but without her Kah wouldn’t be who he is today. So he is still thankful for her.