Michael Tenshi



5 years, 6 months ago


✦ Details
Name Michael Tenshi
Gender Male
Age 36
World Earth
Species Angel
Ethnicity N/A
Home N/A
Occupation Daycare teacher
Sexuality Straight
✦ Appearance
Height 5'5"
Body Type On the short side with a big belly.
Hair Style Slightly longer hair, tied in a messy ponytail
Hair Color Ginger red
Eye Color Brown
Skin Color White
Clothing Style Comfy and soft, things like sweaters and the like
Posture N/A
Other N/A
✦ Likes
✦ Dislikes
✦ Hobbies
Completing puzzles
Bird watching
✦ Traits
✦ Flaws
✦ Phobias
✦ Backstory

Michael was Constance's favorite servant. He was younger than her, but much more knowledgeable. He spoiled her and cared to her every whim. He helped her, even when she did things most would condemn her for. He helped her get back and forth to hell and helped keep her affairs secret from Kah. He truly did all he could for her. Even when she was sentenced to death, he was given one last task. She asked him to steal her children and hide them away. Take them somewhere they'd never be found... Through tears, he agreed. Shortly after her death, Michael snuck into Kah's chambers and attempted to steal the infants. He was caught though, and only made off with one child. The girl. He took her to earth and decided to raise her himself. Raise her as a human, and never, ever, let her know who she really is.

Michael still takes care of his beloved daughter in Constance's place, and keeps up the secret. Even when she finds out the truth, he refuses to tell her the whole story. Perhaps though.. it'd be better if he did..

✦ Trivia
● Michael suffers from night terrors from when he worked at the castle. From being beaten to saving Suki from the dungeon and fleeing.
● His birthday is 6/14
● Despite never having a child of his own, Michael was very good at raising Suki, and does well with the children he teaches now.
● Michael has always regretted being unable to save Suki's twin brother, it haunts him to no end.
✦ Relationships
Constance Myst Constance was Michael's mistress. He served her with a passion. Michael never liked the royal family, but Constance was always kind towards him and he enjoyed being around her. EVen if she did bad things, Michael never believed she deserved to be excecuted.
Tsuki Tenshi Suki is the daughter of Constance, and the child Michael has worked so hard to raise for so many years. He saved her from the dungeon shortly after she was born, and raised her as his own. Though he never lied and told her he was her father, he had no right.
Kah Myst Myst Kah is the evil king of the angels. A man that Michael served for a few years before being sent to serve Constance. Michael isn't sure what happened to the young master, but Michael can not forgive what he has done not only to Constance, but Suki as well. He is a monster.

profile html by Hukiolukio