Kazuki Ishida



5 years, 3 months ago


✦ Details
Name Kazuki Ishida
Gender Male
Age 23
World Earth
Species Human
Ethnicity Japanese
Home N/A
Occupation Writer
Sexuality Bisexual
✦ Appearance
Height 5'8"
Body Type Slightly tall and on the thin side.
Hair Style Slightly curly medium length hair. Always a bit of a mess
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Ice blue
Skin Color White
Clothing Style Hoodies and jeans, very imformal.
Posture Straight
Other In his past he used to dress more like a delinquent, but has since stopped after graduating highschool
✦ Likes
✦ Dislikes
✦ Hobbies
Bar hopping
✦ Traits
Laid back
✦ Flaws
✦ Phobias
Being alone
Never being forgiven
✦ Backstory

Kazuki comes from a rich, but loveless household. He was held to high expectations of who he was supposed to be, and he desperately wanted to defy those expectations. He moved out at a young age and got a job at a cafe, and even tried to quit school. He fooled around with many girls, because it was a good way to release stress. During this time, he met the young, but very cute Izumi. She was attractive, and shy types were so easy to win over.. So he got close to the middle-schooler and quickly won her over. He made her his quickly, and they began to have an extremely passionate relationship with one another. Despite having Izumi at his beck and call, Kazuki continued to see women on the side. After some time, complicated feelings took over Kazuki's heart. He had begun to fall in love with Izumi for real. Even so, he still saw other women.. and even began to pressure Izumi into having sex with him. More and more, he desired her young thin body. He begged for it, because he knew that worked. He forced her to do many things he knew she didn't want to do. But at the time, it didn't matter. He just wanted her and that was all he cared about. Things got tougher as she entered high school. It was harder to see her, and she made new friends.. and his life was only getting harder. He took out his stress on her.. not only sexually, but emotionally as well. He knew he was hurting her, but he didn't know how to control himself. Because of this... Izumi left him and he lost himself once again.

Kazuki preforms odd-jobs to fund his writing as he struggles to get his work published. He and Izumi went a long time without contact.. but he ran into her one day and snatched the chance to speak to her again. He was more beautiful now. A woman. He desired her again and this time.. he won't let her slip away.

✦ Trivia
● Kazuki is based off an abusive ex of mine.
● His birthday is 9/29
● Kazuki calls himself a writer, but doesn't spend much of his time writing anymore after Izumi left.
● Even after so much time, Kazuki still can't stay tied down to one girl.
✦ Relationships
Izumi Takana Izumi is Kazuki's ex girlfriend. He couldn't keep her before because of how terribly he treated her, but Kazuki wishes he could make up for what he did to her and wants her to forgive him. Maybe even love him again.
Kasai Masuda Kasai is an old friend from highschool. They didnt get along at first, but gradually became close over Kazuki's last year in highschool. They lost contact after Kazuki graduated, but he often wonders what his old friend is up to... When he found out he was dating Izumi, he couldn't have felt more betrayed.
Azuma Takana Azuma is Izumi's older twin brother. Kazuki always had a thing for Azuma, but he never acted on his feelings because of his relationship with Izumi. but he did always think about it, and he knows Azuma did as well. Kazuki would have both if he could.

profile html by Hukiolukio