Azuma Takana



5 years, 3 months ago


✦ Details
Name Azuma Takana
Gender Male
Age 19
World Earth
Species Human
Ethnicity Japanese
Home N/A
Occupation Artist
Sexuality Bisexual
✦ Appearance
Height 5'2"
Body Type Thin, kind of girlish figure
Hair Style Shaggy, long hair always in his eyes
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Azure blue
Skin Color White
Clothing Style Anything that looks gay, but in a punk way
Posture Straight
Other N/A
✦ Likes
Salty snacks
✦ Dislikes
Loud noises
✦ Hobbies
✦ Traits
✦ Flaws
Hot headed
✦ Phobias
✦ Backstory

Azuma grew up in a cold and neglectful household. He tried to be energetic, but it was difficult taking care of himself and his weak sister Izumi. So, once he entered middle school, he took the opportunity to go live with the twins' older brother in the states. There, he met a guy named Michael. Azuma fell in love with Michael easily, but Michael only began to date Azuma under the impression he was a girl. After figuring out the truth, it was hard to continue the relationship.. but the pair tried anyways. From there, the couple faced many trials as the two tried to figure themselves out in a world that couldn't accept them. Just before entering high school, the two moved back to Azuma's hometown and went to school there with his sister. Although glad to be home, Azuma soon realized the affect his absence had on his sister Izumi. Guilted by this, he neglected his own relationship with Michael to help Izumi out, and the two ended up breaking up.

Now out of high school, Azuma is focusing on his art and trying to forget his broken heart. He spends time with his sister and is there for her, but wonders if he can find love again?

✦ Trivia
● Azuma is based off a more masculine version of myself
● His birthday is 2/11
● Azuma still thinks of Michael often, but is too afraid to reach out to him again
● Azuma used to be self-concious of his girly looks, but now embraces them.
✦ Relationships
Izumi Takana Izumi is Azuma's younger twin sister. He is very fond of her, and regrets leaving her back in middle school. He wishes he could be there for her now in place of back then.
Michael Schutte Michael is Azuma's ex boyfriend. Azuma still cares for him deeply, and wishes they could reconnect someday, but accepts that Michael never really felt that way about him.
Miyuuki Harada Miyuuki is Izumi's best friend, but Azuma can't stand her. She is mean and way too harsh on him and Kasai. He understands her protective nature, but she takes it way too far.