Aoi Suzuki



5 years, 3 months ago


✦ Details
Name Aoi Suzuki
Gender Male
Age 20
World Earth
Species Human
Ethnicity Japanese
Home N/A
Occupation Indie game designer
Sexuality Pansexual
✦ Appearance
Height 5'11"
Body Type Tall and pretty skinny, with a little big of muscle
Hair Style Long and messy ponytail, sometimes he just leaves it down.
Hair Color Light brown
Eye Color Purple
Skin Color White
Clothing Style Button-ups and jeans. he likes to mix it up.
Posture Straight
Other When he was younger, he had wanted to be a doctor, but he gave up hat dream to work in game design instead.
✦ Likes
✦ Dislikes
Pop music
Sea food
✦ Hobbies
Collecting records
✦ Traits
✦ Flaws
Not good with social ques
✦ Phobias
His memories
Small spaces
✦ Backstory

Aoi grew up with few friends, and tended to keep everyone at a distance. He dated around constantly in school, and never really took anything seriously. Things started to change after meeting Izumi, and she became a very positive influence on his life. That positivity couldn't last though. The pair had their fair share of problems, and after some time passed, they started to hurt each other. Izumi had a past she couldn't forget, and Aoi needed support she couldn't provide. It turned into a mess, and the pair fell apart on awkward terms. After trying to make it work, Aoi ultimately left to search for a better future.

It's been 2 years, and Aoi and Izumi have barely spoken. When they parted ways, they said they'd stay friends. They hung out and were good to each other. But when Aoi moved on.. Things grew awkward and the pair stopped talking. But Aoi doesn't want things to stay this way. He wants to be friends again..

✦ Trivia
● Aoi is based off a good friend of mine. part of the reason I'm able to write this story.
● His birthday is 7/10
● Although he and Izumi fell apart and don't talk often, he still cares for her and hopes the best for her.
● Aoi also used to play baseball in his youth, but has since given that up as well.
✦ Relationships
Izumi Takana Izumi is Aoi's ex girlfriend and friend. At least, he would like them to be. She is a funny girl. and he loves her creativity in her work. She didn't deserve the things that happened to her in the past, and feels bad he couldn't help her.
Azuma Takana Azuma is Izumi's older twin brother. Aoi and Azuma never got along too well. Aoi tried, but Azuma was too standossish towards him to really allow them to be friends.

profile html by Hukiolukio