Judas Hallivand



5 years, 3 months ago



Name Judas Hallivand
Age 45
Birthday 29 Hedgethorn, 1075
Species Human
Gender Male
Orient. Heterosexual
Residence Peverley, Pavia
Occupation Knight
Hogwarts House Ravenclaw
Status Alive
Design Notes

  • Signature Colour: Blue
  • He's not a very expressive person, and when he does emote, it's rage.
  • Always has his weapons on him, or within arm's reach.
  • Must always be shirtless.

Stubborn, aggressive, and serious, to say that Hallivand isn't a people person is a bit of an understatement. He has little to no sense of humour and a profoundly powerful sense of duty. Hallivand is methodial, systematic, and clever when he puts his mind to it—always using a combination of strength and strategy to problem-solve his way hpast obstacles. He operates somewhat as a detective. Unfortunately, he's also a pessimistic, ignorant bigot, and although he comes across as stoic, he has a fiery temper ready to explode on a moment's notice. He prefers violence to diplomacy, and while he's a capable commander, he's a terrible follower. Hallivand has no understanding of social cues.


  • Full Name: Judas Jacob Hallivand
  • Also known as the Tongue-Cutter and the Terror of Scarthrow
  • Wields an axe called Glory
  • In Orcish culture, the firstborn child is always referred to by the family name. Since he and his sister were raised by Orcs, Hallivand abides by this tradition.
  • Has a twin sister named Magiv Hallivand, also known as Magiv the Black-Hearted.

Hallivand and his twin sister, Magiv, are the children of bandits who abandoned them when they were young. They were only saved from death by an Orcish community that took them in and raised them as their own. The twins grew up farming, hunting, and gathering to help their home village remain relatively self-suffcient from the neighbouring human-dominated communities. The only formal education they received was in the form of combat, the standard for Orc children, and basic reading and writing. The stringent social laws of Orc culture became ingrained in Hallivand and he developed an astute respect for the rules, even if he doesn't necessarily like all of them.

When the Hallivand twins became adults, they left their village and ventured out to form a mercenary band with their closest friends called the Black Roses. The Black Roses grew in power until they were a substantial group making good money, but their good fortune turned and the group fell on hard times. The Black Roses were faced with a choice: either make money fast or their band would starve. To support the group, the twins led the Black Roses into banditry and they quickly became notorious across the countryside. Hallivand in particular became known as the Tongue-Cutter due to his habit of cutting out the tongues of his enemies.

Hallivand was a remorseless bandit for decades, until an unknown event changed his mind and he left the Black Roses to join the Knight Apostles, an order of religious warriors. Hallivand became the protégé of the order's leader and became a captain, though to this day Hallivand is still feared by even other members of the Knight Apostles. World events eventually brought the Knight Apostles to Peverley to keep the peace, and Hallivand, now a captain, followed suit. Events there lead him to meet Leif and become involved in a certain situation that he can't walk away from.


  • Order and justice
  • Hard and honest work
  • Polite philosophical and political discussion
  • Orcish culture
  • Terrifying people

  • Children and animals
  • Indecision
  • Law-breakers
  • Anyone who tries to tell him what to do
  • People in general

Morvana MacMhaolagain | Friend

Hallivand has a strange respect for Morvana and considers her a friend, but does think she has questionable judgment at times. He respects that she has experiences, though he thinks that she's too haughty. Hallivand wishes she would take matters into her own hand rather than stand by and watch.

Leif Ettricke | Frenemies

Leif and Hallivand fight each other with passion and vigour, though they secretly enjoy the conflict. Hallivand is in the process of trying to arrest Leif, though every time he starts to read him his rights Leif runs. So then he has to chase him again.

Samsara | Enemy

Samsara is Hallivand's counterpart and enemy within a faction called the Poison Tongue. Both are dedicated to a particular code, though it's their devotion to their respective codes that brings them into direct conflict with one another. Hallivand sees Samsara as an abomination that needs to be destroyed.

Castle | Love Interest

Hallivand's inability to understand people inhibits his ability to have normal human interactions, but Castle gradually brings out his more humanitarian qualities. Their shared background and intense physical attraction to one another draws them together.