
5 years, 3 months ago


Name [Milo Richard Audrey]
Age [17]
Height [5'6"]
Build [slim]
Species [human]
Gender [non-binary(they/them)]
Orient. [gay]
Taken? [yes]
Creator [octopus_fryes]
Worth [$2.5k]

Milo loves the emo and scene aesthetic, favoring band tees, extra skinny jeans, big boots and puffy jackets as his main attire. His hair is half-brown half-purple and he has huge emo sidebangs. Milo has a bit of stubble on his chin but keeps it shaved to a tiny sliver.

  • skin color and hair color not changeable!
  • occasionally seen wearing glasses
  • band tees that he likes are MCR, Pink Floyd, P!ATD, etc.

Milo is unendingly sweet to most people who interaact with him when they get past his shy and stern outer shell. He's willing to move mountains for those he cares about and values his friends far higher than his family. Because of this, he's easily to manipulate and often cannot speak for himself. This has led him into several toxic friendships before, though he's still never been wary of a new friend in ost cases. To those he dislikes, he's cold and distant from them, but if those people try him he's not afraid to snap at them, though he usually tries to take the passive route in all aspects in life.


Milo was born to his parents under the name Allan Richard Audery on September 26, 2002. He immediately showed interest in the arts and excelled in all aspects regarding it. His parents spoiled him and made sure he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth until he was 9 years old. After he turned 9, Milo's father began physically, verbally and emotionally abusing him, always accusing him of being a spoiled brat. Milo tried everything he could think of to reverse the situation, from being as perfect as he could be to attempting to flee home, but the only thing that seemed to remotely work was being just as violent as his father. The trauma set in slowly from that point forward, and Milo ended up with anxiaety and PTSD as a result. Milo fell into a deep depression at 11 years old and attempted to take his own life several times, but to no avail. It was at this time that Milo decided to change his name to Milo instead of going by Allan as a symbolic means of distancing himself from his parents' control.

It wasn't until Milo met his boyfriend, Diesel, that his life started to improve. Milo encouraged Diesel to work on his own issues and in turn Milo's life improved. Milo heard about Diesel's family and how they had recently lost someone, so when he was offered to stay with Diesel until he could get out on his own, Milo happily agreed.

Since then, Milo has greatly improved his mental health and aspires to go to college one day and have Diesel by his side for as long as possible.


  • Milo loves video games! His favorite games are Splatoon 2, Breath of teh Wild, Super Mario World and Bioshock.
  • Milo is deathy afraid of spiders and thunderstorms.
  • Milo can play the piano and greatly enjoys it.
  • Milo has been in honors english classes since he was 10.

  • Grunge/emo aesthetic
  • cats
  • dragons
  • video games
  • early 2000's emo bands

  • yelling
  • most vegetables
  • country music
  • anything anti-lgbt
  • spiders

Diesel boyfriend

"He's a really sweet guy when you get to know him. He's sweet, empathetic, handsome, caring...but mostly only to me. I wish that he'd be more caring to others. Still, I love him so much!"