Jude (Judy) Blowers (Extended Profile)



4 years, 7 months ago



Name Jude (Judy) Blowers
Age 23
Build Lanky
Species Aussilion
Gender Female
Oreint. Homosexual
height/weight 168/67kg
Occupation School Guidance Counsellor
d.o.b October 4th
star sign Libra

"To be...completely honest...I threw the last fuck I had for you out that window."


"Don't do drugs."

Press play



I’m freezing to death in this real chilly place and
I’m trying to savor that look on your face and the way the dog sleeps with her feet up.
But I just can’t imagine leaving this place but without us its all just negative space, anyway.



  • Jude has a fascination with mushrooms, she has had ever since she was a kid. 
  • She's angry about pretty much everything, and will sometimes go out of her way to hate things. 
  • She isn't very supportive of her brother, Cyrus, and rarely comes to his concerts or gigs. 
  • Her parents favour her over her brother, but are disappointed in her none the less. 
  • Her favourite food is kebabs. 
History + personality 

Jude is a snarky, mean and rude bitch of a woman, who doesn't really care for others or anything in particular-except for making money. She likes to stay comfortable and sheltered, and has a limit on her social skills. She doesn't like meeting new people, and many people seem to bore her. 

Judy Jude never thought she'd be getting reaping the rewards of her long years of doing that stupid psychiatry degree by being a counsellor in a crappy school, in a crappy town filled with crappy people.

She escaped to this place after breaking up with Beck, ready to start afresh and make money, knowing that her older brother, Cyrus was working here. Her childhood friend, Lipie, was also working there, having followed Cyrus. When Jude arrived, he helped her get a job at the school where he was also working. 

For now she's crasing at Lipie's, only being slightly unnerved by all the weirdos he brings in. Ideally, her job would be a breeze, just sit down and give them some bullshit advice, a flyer and send them on their way. But no. These kids really know how to get one her nerves, and seem to come back week after week with more and more issues. 

"Jude, I don't know what to do!" Go and figure it out yourself, kid. But sometimes, the things they come to her with are slighly concerning...like Ridley King's accusations against Greg Halstead, or 'One' as he likes to be called, and Jasmyn's love-struck moon-addled cow-eyed fascination with Paris Blaire. And then that thing happened...Ridley didn't come back for a while after that, Greg and Red Hamilton had a fight...

Things are strange, man. 



  • Adults
  • Women
  • Fame + Glory
  • Country music

  • Those stupid kids
  • This stupid job
  • Doing actual work
  • Men
  • Other people 

Lipie | Friend

A good friend to Jude, but can be annoying and seems to know a lot of people...but also seems to be paranoid about that little writer chick. What was her name again...Lu? 

Cyrus | Older brother 

Her overly-happy brother, she still thinks he has a thing for Lipie. Just a little thing. 

Beck | Ex

Judy never wants to talk to her again, that was a bad trip.Â