


5 years, 2 months ago


Sarge, with all due respect, I’m gonna completely ignore everything you just said.

Name Ezekiel Martin
Age 27
Build Twunk
Species Aerolin - Patrol
Gender Male
Oreint. Gay
Nicknames Ez, Ezzy, Zeke
Occupation Detective
Creator AIex
Taken? Yes
Design Notes

Standing at 6’9”, Ezekiel is a tall, decently fit man. He has long, bright blue hair, that’s shaved on the left side. Ezekiel has black sclera with white eyes, and yellow pupils. His systems are actually white, but since he has the elemental water system trait, the appear more blue-ish! When his wings are out they’re at a 61% opacity!

  • The 3 yellow stripes on his colour are a must!
  • When he’s nakey you can see the scales on his shoulders, arms, and thighs.
  • He’s a betta fish hybrid!

Ez is a very,,, emotional person. One minute he seems chill, the next he’s getting pissed over something. He tries his best to control the mood swings but sometimes he just can’t help it. Ezekiel has commitment issues because his previous partner had cheated on him. He’s also very determined, if he really puts his mind to something then he’s going to do it, no matter what it takes.

Story Summary

For a while Ezekiel was actually happy, he had a great job, fiancé, and over all life; but things didn't last long. It turns out his partner, Jay, wasn't actually all the great. One day Ezekiel, after working overtime on a case, had come to see Jay in the sheets with his co-worker Cassiel. In a fit of rage Ez had tried to kill the rabbit; Having ripped him out of the bed and throwing him onto the floor Ez had started to beat the other patrol. The only thing that stopped him was Cass kicking him in the stomach. After failing to catch Cass after he ran away Ezekiel had kicked Jay out of his apartment, taking the engagement ring back. These events have left Ezekiel bitter and angry, vowing to himself that he would never love another aerolin again. However he was soon to realize he wouldn't be able to keep his personal vows.


  • Ez didn't expect to fall in love with Raz, or even Scott for that matter. But he's glad that he did.
  • He didn't have a good relationship with his parents growing up. Instead of being raise by them it was mostly his aunt who had done all the work.
  • Ez can play the guitar! He prefers acoustic over electic.
  • As well as being able to play the guitar he can also sing pretty well. He was that douche in college who would play guitar and sing at parties thinking he was cool.
  • Before he became a detective, Ezekiel wanted to be a chef! He's pretty much an artist in the kitchen.

  • Romantic Comedies
  • Singing and playing guitar
  • Cooking for his partners
  • Weird cases. They're always the most fun to work on.
  • Physical attention. Or well,, attention in general.

  • Jay, though a stupid part of his brain wants to love him again.
  • Super sunny days, they dry out his skin and that's no good for a fish hybrid.
  • Boring B&E cases.
  • Samuel and Cassiel. He wants to kill them both.

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