Chiko Cachusha



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Chiko Cachusha


Called Chickadee by Slamen, Conrad calls her either Chi-chi or Koko











Creation Year



Doesn't mention family


Ulieam, Avaline

Current Home

Guraba, Avaline


Physical Appearance

  • Medium length red hair
  • Blue eyes
  • Light brown skin
  • Somewhat tall in height
  • Physically fit with an athletic/strong build
  • Red fur on ears
  • Off-white colored rabbits tail, maybe faintly reddish-orange

Clothing Style

Chiko tends to dress in a practical but refined style that does not impede her movements as a spellcaster and fencer. Her common outfit consists of an ivory tunic with reddish-orange trim, matching red-orange pants, boots, gloves, and a hat. The hat has a ribbon around it along with a fabric poppy pinned to it. Chiko also wears a belt for her rapier sheath and often carries a satchel for her belongings while traveling. When wearing other outfits, she tends to prefer the red-orange poppy color and ivory, but she also likes other shades of red and orange along with black, white, or sometimes gold.


Chiko is a confident and somewhat aloof mercenary with unusual motives and a severe disdain for Imperials. She is known to be an exceedingly skilled mercenary who is rather picky about which jobs she will accept, but her performance has given her quite a noteworthy reputation. Although she gives off a rather serious and distant demeanor, those who have observed her work enough know she has a heart for vulnerable people and will go out of her way to help those most in need, with or without payment. Chiko does not speak about herself much, so it is difficult to say just what kind of person she is or what drives her, but it's clear that she works either for good pay or for those who can't help themselves, especially when such people are displaced or oppressed by Imperials. Not much is known about her outside of work other than her having a fondness for children, being well liked by various local tailors, and her reputation for seducing ladies when she passes through towns.


  • Amina rifting - rank 3/5
  • Skilled at swordplay, specifically fencing
  • Skilled at hand to hand combat


  • Confident, assertive, and independent
  • Cunning, quick witted, and observant
  • Charismatic, persuasive, and focused
  • Level headed, practical, and well organized with her affairs and assets


  • Stubborn, blunt with her words, and brutally honest
  • Has a soft spot for underdogs, those who are helpless, and children; she can be easily sidetracked in order to help others
  • Slow to trust, doesn't like talking about herself, and gets defensive when asked to open up
  • Tends to help people out of sentimentality or associating them with other things rather than for their own sake


Chiko doesn't speak much of her past, but she is a mercenary from Ulieam who is skilled in both swordplay and magic. She has a reputation as well performing mercenary who is rather aloof and somewhat elusive to hire. She seems to take only very particular jobs, although her exact criteria is not known other than she has a pattern of sometimes accepting very well paying job and then sometimes very humble jobs for people struggling amidst the Imperial reign. It's obvious Chiko has no regard for Imperials, and this becomes ever clearer when she inadvertently gains a follower in her travels. 

A boy named Conrad has taken to tagging along with her after being displaced by the Empire, and Chiko ended up warming up to him as they traveled together for about a year. Unfortunately an Imperial attack in a town they had stopped in separated them, and Chiko has been seeking Conrad out ever since. She's not entirely sure why, but Conrad apparently has something or some kind of skill that the Empire desires from him, which is why he was on the run in the first place. Regardless of what the reasoning is, Chiko knows she has to find him before they do.


  • Chiko is based off the personality/character I attributed to my main Viera Red Mage from my file of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. She started as a fencer and uses fencer techniques along with her red magic after she class changed.
    • I intentionally inverted the color scheme of her outfit to be more ivory so she wouldn't look so obviously like a red mage.
  • Her last name was taken from a piece of head armor called the Cachusha, which Chiko usually has equipped.
  • Old Charahub blurb: "A fencer skilled in magic, she seeks to protect a friend from the clutches of the Empire when her life as a mercenary takes a turn."