Merida Kax



5 years, 2 months ago


Merida Kax 

History and Design

Merida Kax was a character I created back in 2012 to be used in Fallout NV. She in a way could be described as being a cross between Jadzia Dax and Roger from American Dad, this is because I wanted to play an alien from Star Trek in Fallout and have them try to blend in by wearing disguises kind of like Roger originally I had thought of doing this with a Cardassian character but a Joined Trill ended up working better.

I ended up making a Tumblr page for which I used to work on her character and see what kind of shenanigans she can get up to in the Fallout and Star Trek RP communities. I unfortunately do not have access to this page anymore as yahoo deleted the connecting email and at the same time insist that I change my password, though it can be viewed as an archive here

Merida Herself

Merida is a character that likes to live life to the full and hates the idea of being pulled down by commitments or mundanity especially marriage. Thus, she is very if you could say loose, she pursues relationships with multiple She aims to in a way try a different thing every day and has in strong love of the cultures of many of the major races Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi.

While she on a whole does not take life very seriously, she does take a strong stance on some things for both some kind of conviction and for love of a heated debate. These are usually on the following topics


Merida strongly believes in free love and it is because of her strong belief in strong love that she supports reassociation being illegal. This is because she feels that if hosts were allowed to continue their relationships with their past lives’ society would stagnate and she also feels that monogamy is not desirable and a monogamy that last several lifetimes is unthinkable.


For the most part she is against religion and sees it a clutch that needs be destroyed as it stops one from enjoying life to the full, as only life exists. Though the truth is she has more complicated view on some religions such as Ancient Greek religion and mystery cults as very favourable especially the ritual madness of the Dionysus cult. Also, as a fangirl of Klingon culture their religion is something that would appeal to her as well. Though overall, she does see organised religions such as the Bajoran religions as something of a weakness and their followers as weak-willed goody goody two shoes.

In the USS Tumblr version, took a very anti-religious views mostly because she found that Jadzia had given in into praying to thank the Bajoran Prophets that lead to her death. The shock that a Joined Till could full to such weakness led to Merida going full Coffin Joe and raging against both the Prophets and Pah Wraiths saying that they are lies and do not exist. Even quoting Zé do Caixão himself directly on several occasions much like this

Thus, she felt she had a ‘duty’ to challenge all gods and creeds to end the world or that they exist to show that her will is stronger. This even led to her being possessed by a Pah Wraith at some point which she some how managed to come out of.


Through this Merida ended up having many debates on these subjects and more with fellow Joined Trill Ezri Dax which are archived on this page and the Tumblr Page in question