


5 years, 3 months ago



Name: Cinnamon

Nickname(s): Cinna, Nana
Alias(es): n/a

Zodiac Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Aether Star: Tipa

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 100. Appears to be in her mid-to-late teens.
D.O.B.: April 1st, 3952
Birthplace: Pasalt
Ethnicity: Pasaltian
Spoken Languages: Pasaltian, proficient in Colithian
Species: Foxling

Hair: Very dark brown with a warm, reddish tint. It's shoulder-length and parted to the side, with an equally long fringe covering her left eye.
Skin: Pale, with a creamy complexion
Eyes: Dark, desaturated brown
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 124lbs
Body type: A bit toned and of average mass. Though she has no muscle definition, she still appears strong enough to lift around 50lbs at most.
Blood Type: O

Physical Conditions: Night blindness
Mental Conditions: PTSD, depression, panic disorder

Other things of note: She has a pair of large fox ears the same color as her hair, but with black tips. Her tail necrotized and fell off during her childhood.

Element: Earth

Magical Abilities: Florakinesis, spellcasting

Psychic Abilities: Clairaudience

Latent Abilities: Mediumship

Unique Ability: n/a

Hobby: Reading, practicing the viola

Likes: Music, asmr videos, playing in the snow, animals, writing fiction, organizing things, rain, cool weather, cranberry juice, ice pops

Dislikes: School, other teens and kids, hot weather, most academics, noisy eaters, screaming babies, movie critics, dark chocolate

Fears: Thunder, blood, the dark, burn wounds, giants, starvation, boats, bears, thirst, running out of things

Positive Traits: Street savvy, organized, creative, confident, fair, integrous, sincere, aesthete

Negative Traits: Bratty, short-tempered, disrespectful, dense, unintelligent, immature



Pasalt was a lot different a hundred years ago. The deserts were drier than usual, owing to a long drought that made even the deepest river sink beneath the shoreline. The ineffectual government efforts to deal with the water scarcity led to a revolt, which started a long, bloody civil war to overthrow the monarchy. Cinnamon had been born about a decade before this, and grew up watching her hometown deteriorate. At a young age, she learned not to overexert herself so as not to become thirsty, how to help filter saltwater, and how to preserve food. Survival was on the forefront of her and her family's minds, which made it hard for her and her peers to focus in school. Everyone was tense in those days: fights broke out easily in the classroom, and Cinnamon was frequently bullied out of lunch and precious water. The streets weren't much safer, as the fighting drew closer and closer to the coast. Planes started appearing in place of birds, dropping shells as they went. 

Cinnamon's parents took her out of middle school, so she wouldn't have to risk herself going to class each day. Her father kept going to work as often as possible, so he could scrounge up as much money as he could for his family. At some point, word had gotten out that there was an anti-monarchist base in the city, not far from her father's workplace. Imperial soldiers razed the entire block to the ground in search for it, leaving her father out of work. They squirreled away the savings they had left, and pawned off old Foxling heirlooms in exchange for food and liquids. The beach was being heavily patrolled, but Cinnamon's parents would sneak out anyway for water to filter. 

At home, Cinnamon drilled herself with her old textbooks. When she ran out of things to teach herself, she started to illustrate stories on the adobe walls of her home: first using paint, and then chalk when she ran out of that. If there were no shellings and no troops in the streets, she would wander out with the other village children and listen to Foxling folk music, town criers with the news, and bards with stories of heroes from other lands. Cinnamon once impressed a bard by showing up the second day of his performance with a supplementary piece to his story about the hero queen Maybelle, alternating from Pasaltian to Colithian. 

Those were the last days of semi-peace before her little village became the front lines. According to a town crier some weeks before, a water purification machine had been perfected by one faction or another, and now there was a fight to secure the coastal areas and therefore a definitive source of drinking water. Those who couldn't flee in time were forced into underground shelters. Cinnamon's father went missing during the first week of the siege when he and several other desperate villagers made one last trip to the coast, and were all presumed dead. Cinnamon and her mother, having recently run out of provisions, attempted to flee and cross the border to Calendula. They had only made it half a mile outside the village when her mother collapsed and died of dehydration. Cinnamon powered through to the next town before collapsing as well. 

Coincidentally, that was the first time in almost a year that it had rained in Pasalt, and the night that she was found face down in a puddle by the then-gravedigger Maestro. He had come from the city to take care of some elderly relatives, but was unable to leave after the war started. Assuming she was dead, he started to load her into his cart, but then he saw that she was still half-conscious and lapping at the muddy water. He nursed her back to health, and it was her presence that pushed him to try fleeing Pasalt as well. They somehow made it all the way to Colithia, where they settled down in a quiet village. Cinnamon has lived there with him for about 50 years now and is a good employee, though she never went back to school--nor does she think she would be able to. She was unable to fully recover mentally from her ordeal, but has learned ways to manage it.