


5 years, 2 months ago



  • NAME Samuel "Sammy" Riley Logan
  • AGE 17-18
  • GENDER Male
  • PRONOUNS He / Him
  • WORTH $5.00?


Samuel, or Sammy, as he prefers to be called, is a bit of an interesting character. He can definitely have a more outgoing, social, and generally extroverted side to him, especially once he's warmed up to people, but more uncomfortable or stressful situations tend to tire him out quite quickly, bringing out a more introverted side. Overall, he's generally pretty chill, and maybe a bit of a daydreamer, seen most often when he's bored or just fantasizing about his current crush. He typically finds most serious conflicts to be incredibly exhausting, and definitely doesn't enjoy being in the middle of things. It's not too uncommon for him to seem tired, especially when his life is even more hectic than usual, and the fact that his family seems to constantly have something to butt heads over certainly doesn't help much.

He's a pretty big fan of punk fashion, though he doesn't really dress too much like it. His own fashion is more on the comfy side, mainly skinny jeans or preferably track pants, often paired with simple sweaters, or t shirts if it's too hot out. If he does need to dress up, he's not too against something like a dark button up with some nice jeans or dress pants depending on just how fancy he needs to be. His fashion tends to lean towards the more masculine side, and he's not the biggest fan of skirts, dresses, or other feminine clothes. He will, however, make some rare exceptions to this. Namely, when he's modeling - his actual career, or at least what he's working towards as he's not quite a professional yet but would certainly like to be. As a result, his fashion and general appearance are actually a pretty big part of his life, and he tends to put a lot of pride into himself and looking good. This also makes it quite easy to tell when he's having an especially bad day or just in an awful mood, as it'll show not just in the big bowl of cookies n creme ice cream clutched to his chest, but his darker and typically baggier clothing as well.

He really doesn't take criticism too well. Like, he'll probably give a normal 'okay', or some other simple reply, but on the inside? Now he's doubting everything he's ever done, thanks. This is especially true when it comes to his body, personality, or, above all, his work, whether that's photography, his hobby, or his modelling.


  • He love love loves milkshakes.
  • His favourite colour is peach.
  • His favourite instrument would probably be the bass - he'd love to learn it! - and maybe guitar and drums, ukulele, maybe a nice, soft piano...
  • Black coffee, somehow.
  • He loves photography and taking pictures, mainly of people, nature, and random vintage looking things. On top of that, he loves the idea of having a bunch of cute polaroids hanging everywhere. Y'know, for the aesthetic or something?
  • He absolutely adores plants, he could spend all day just taking care of them.
  • He finds punk fashion to be super interesting and loves how it looks, even if it's not something he'd wear much.
  • Of course, he loves getting his peace and quiet, and especially loves spending the early mornings relaxing and watching the sunrise - that is, until his family starts to wake up and the arguments start firing up.
  • Going for a nice walk, especially on a cool day.


  • He hates fights, arguments, or any other stressful situations, especially if he can end up being caught in the middle of them.
  • Annoying, whiny, high pitched voices.
  • A cup of off-white milk being considered "coffee".
  • He really, really doesn't like criticism, judgy people, and generally anything that can make him feel self conscious.
  • He's not a big fan of any clothes that are really considered feminine or girly, but he'll wear them only if his job requires.
  • Don't touch his wings. Seriously, even if they don't do much, those things are sensitive and- no, you can't have a feather, what the fuck?!
  • Being up too late or having his sleep schedule thrown off, you can't imagine how hard it is to work like that. Just let him stick to his schedule and he'll be happy... probably.
  • He dislikes seeing people who don't take good care of themselves, especially when they're more than capable of doing so and even more when they complain about it.


  • Overall, more of an extrovert than anything
  • He's a lover, not a fighter. And, as if just to prove it, he tends to get lots of random little crushes over super dumb things, though they do tend too vanish or at least somewhat fade after a bit. He's never acted on any of them.
  • His wings are vestigial so he can't really do much with them, though he likes to preen them occasionally.
  • Although he can be quite opinionated on a lot of things, he surprisingly doesn't have much of an opinion on sushi, he doesn't really like or dislike it much.
  • It's definitely not too uncommon for him to show up to early morning photoshoots with a cup of black coffee - either iced or absolutely burning hot - and a grumpy face
  • He can get a bit sensitive at times, and tends to get a little snappy when his social battery starts running too low.
  • He has two hoops in his left ear and a nose ring, his favourite piercing. He also absolutely adores tattoos, especially seeing them on other people, although he currently only has one of his own. He might like to get some more in the future, though.
  • He'd like to consider himself a photographer, even if it's more of a hobby at the moment.
  • The best part about his home, in his opinion, would absolutely have to be his plants. To start off, he has a couple succulents named Linda, Karen, and Jennifer, lovingly nicknamed Jenny. He also has two small hanging plants named Tommy and Jeremy. If he had it his way, the whole house would be full of them, but for now he's got to settle with hoping his mom will let him buy another one, or four.
  • He is sort of hoping to be able to move out soon, though he's still holding out as he doesn't like the idea of living alone.
  • His ideal home would probably be a nice, simple apartment or a small and cozy home, something with a nice view that he can take lots of pictures of, and plenty of space to fill with plants, of course.
  • He has a ton of siblings, both older and younger, all living in the house.
  • He'll definitely panic at just the thought of being late.
  • He may or may not be just a little bit of a hypocrite.

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