Samuel's Comments


Samuel, or, as he prefers to be called, Sammy, is.. An interesting character. Around most people, as long as he's somewhat comfortable around them - which doesn't take too long with the right person - he can be more an an extrovert, while the more uncomfortable situations tend to become somewhat tiring, bringing out a more introverted side. Overall, though, he's definitely more of an extrovert than anything. He also finds most serious conflict to be incredibly exhausting, and definitely doesn't enjoy being in the middle of it. He's more of a lover than a fighter. As more proof of that, he also tends to get random little crushes over super dumb things, though they tend to vanish or just somewhat fade away after a bit. He's never acted on any of them.

Sammy tends to get tired sometimes, especially when his life is more hectic than usual. It doesn't help that his family can't seem to go more than a day wihout finding something to butt heads over. The best part about his home, in his opinion, is his plants - he has a couple of succulents named Linda, Karedn, and Jennifer, who he's nicknamed Jenny, as well as two small hanging plants named Tom and Jeremy. He's hoping to be able to move out soon, though he's holding out as he doesn't like the idea of living alone. His ideal home would probably be a nice, simple apartment or a cozy home with a nice view that he can take pictures of. He's sort of a photographer, though it's more of a hobby at the moment.

He's a pretty big fan of punk fashion, though personally he wouldn't really want to go all the way at the moment. However, currently he has two hoops in his left ear and, his favourite piercing, a nose ring. While he doesn't have any tattoos currently, he's thought about looking into it in the future, and he loves seeing them on other people.

He tends to prefer comfortable clothes and wears mainly skinny jeans or, preferably, track pants. He also wears a lot of simple sweaters or, if it's too hot, simple t shirts. However, if it calls to be fancy, he's not too against something along the lines of a black button up and dark dress pants or nice jeans depending on the occasion. His fashion choices tend to stay leaning towards the more masculine side, and he isn't a big fan of skirts, dresses, or other feminine clothing.

He will make some exceptions, however, when he's modeling - his actual career. Well, he's not quite a professional model yet, but he'd like to be. As a result, his fashion and looks are actually a pretty big part of his life, making it pretty easy to see if he's in a bad mood. He tends to eat cookies n cream ice cream and if he's wearing baggier or darker clothing, than it's more than likely that he's upset or having a bad day.

Personality wise, he tends to be pretty chill, if a lot of a bit of a daydreamer, seen most often when he's bored or just fantasizing about his current crush.

His favourite colour is a nice, peachy mix between orange and yellow.

He love love loves milkshakes.

His favourite instruments are probably the drums and some tie between guitar, bass, and ukulele.

He can get a bit sensitive at times.

His wings are vestigial, and he can't really do much with them, though he likes to preen them occasionally.

He doesn't really have an opinion on sushi.

(ahhh i hope this isn't too long! this is all the info i've got so far!)

(because my mind decides this is what it should put my creativity into, I've got some more,, if I think of more I'll edit this comment and add it)

He really likes taking pictures of mainly people, nature, and random vintage looking things. It's his ~aesthetic~ or whatever to have a bunch of cute polaroids hanging everywhere. Man, he's a dreamer.

He doesn't take criticism very well. Like, he'll probably give a normal like 'okay' or some simple reply, but on the inside? Now he's doubting everything he's ever done, thanks. This is especially true when it comes to his body, personality, or, above all, his work - photography or modelling.

Sending him over!!

Thank you! I’ll make sure to take good care of him!