Akira - χaikar XI



5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Akira Xanderfold




September 29th


Keyblade Master

Organization XIII Number


Organization XIII Title

The Vehement Vessel


Akira is my Kingdom Hearts character for a DND campaign we're basing off of the game 

He is a keyblade master.

He was raised under Eraqus, along with Terra, Aqua and Ventus. When he was 3, his parents were killed. He doesn't know why or how.

They told him to hide one day, and that's the last he saw of them. A man discovered him, The man was Master Eraqus, and he took Akira in as one of his own. 

Akira swore to protect the people he loves, because he failed to protect his parents. He decided to study and become a keyblade master to help innocent lives. About a week before his exam he met Lue, a nomadic Keyblade wielder with no memory of her past. He took his Mark of Mastery exam at the same time as Aqua and Terra. He passed and became a master just the same as Aqua. 

He then journeyed throughout worlds to help find Terra and Ventus, alongside Lue and their new friend Sherwood. Eventually the trio faced Cyrus, another Keyblade Master who wanted to keep the timeline stable, Aqua in the realm of darkness, Terra was a vessel and Ventus in a coma. Akira loved his friends and didn't want them to suffer, Lue and him blasted Cyrus with Light and Darkness and went to help Terra. Akira blocked Xehanort for taking over Terra and changed the events of history, unfortunately at a price. Xehanort took over his friend Lue, instead, and then disappeared. A few days later Luenort, along with Braig, was said to be sited in Radiant Garden, so Akira went to find her. Braig seemed familiar to him but he cannot put his finger on their connection. They battled and Akira was ultimately victorious, but instead of saving Lue, she passed out and fell away into the realm of Darkness before Akira could save her. He vowed that it was his mission to find Lue after that, and help her figure out her past.

Two years passed and Akira and his Keyblade seemed to become one, he was a wonderful and skilled master and his kindness spread across the worlds. He was recruited to seal the different worlds Hearts with help from Sherwood, and during their travels they found Lue, but still her features resembled Xehanort. She seemed to be herself, but Akira knew Xehanort still haunted her. Suddenly, Akira starts having weird dreams of a hooded figure in black. He doesn't know who it is or what they mean, but he starts to lose sleep over them. Braig seems to be showing up a lot on their adventures too, and he admits to knowing what happened to Akira's parents. Akira tries to get information out of him but to no avail. On their adventures Akira also meets Lauriam. The two become very close, they trust each other and seem to be in sync in battle. 

Lue goes missing one day, and Lauriam tells Akira he heard she had a meeting with Braig. Akira follows them to a distant world he had never been to and it's revealed that Xehanort is still inside of Lue's heart and he takes over for a brief moment. Akira comes out of hiding and attacks Braig, but he gets away. He tries to stop her, but Lue runs away. Akira and Sherwood track Lue down but Braig stops their reunion by attacking them. They then follow home to Traverse Town and have a showdown. Lue forces Xehanort from her heart and puts up a good fight but is ultimately struck down. Full of anger, Akira takes down Braig, and just before he can make the final blow he is pierced by a Keyblade from behind. Lauriam, now with Xehanort's Keyblade, releases his heart into the world and Akira falls.

XI Xaikar, the Vehement Vessel

His weapon is a giant ball and chain that he can swing at people, divide into two and use the chain to bind his enemies and restrict their movement.

He joined Organization XIII after the events at Castle Oblivion as a replacement for Marluxia.

He spends months in the Organization along with Leux, Lue's nobody. Eventually Leux leaves the organization after realizing her past as an ancient Keyblade Master. Xaikar stays behind to help Xemnas, who he is convinced is his childhood friend. Eventually, Xaikar fights off the Organization and is reunited with his Heartless. They reform and seek out his old friends.

During his final battle against the beings of Darkness and Light, Akira becomes the God of Light in the world, and Lue the God of Darkness. They are then erased from history and watch over everyone from beyond.