



☆ The field nurse. ☆

"Be kind, be good. "

Name Cinna
Called Cinna
Sexuality Heterosexual
Favorite Gemstone Ruby
Gender Female
Height 5'8
Worst Fear Bats
Role Field Nurse
Demeanor Logical & Observant
Green Tea
Dirty Utensils
Loud Noise


Cinna grew up in the valley, adopted by two loving mothers who did everything they could to make sure their little "study bug" was kept safe and in good health. Yes, even as a child, Cinna had an obsession with learning, her room chock-full with different books on multitudes of topics, papers scattered all over her floor with drawings of different animals and biomes. Cinna was never one to play with toys, rather she would ask for books and other scientific things for her birthday or the holidays, to which her older siblings picked on her for constantly. Cinna had been homeschooled for the first few years after she had become old enough, but had begged her parents to allow her to go to boarding school so she could further her education.

After her graduation, Cinna had actually travelled from the valley to neighboring areas, rather than go home like most of her peers did. Her thirst for knowledge spurring her to take on medical training and more schooling in order to get her doctorate in medicine. She had reached that goal in no time, and passed with flying colors. She had easily landed a job at one of the best hospitals in Zenovia, where she started off doing regulars bloodwork tests and other lab duties. After she had proved to the head doctors that she was experienced enough to begin working up close with patients, she began doing more work, taking blood pressures and having hands-on experience with checkups and treatments.

Though Cinna had excelled in her craft, her hunger for learning everything she can cannot be satiated. Her colleagues at the clinic had become worried that her social life was suffering due to her workaholic tendencies, so after dragging her to a few outings, Cinna had realized that having a social life could be rewarding in more ways than just one. Having new friends has truly showed her just how much she can learn from them about the things that weren't covered for her medical degree. Now, she does her best to spend time with those she appreciates most, of course asking questions about new things they might have to teach her! Cinna still works at the hospital, but has recently asked for a position in the child care department. She finds children to be wonderful teachers, their honesty and free-spirited personalities being a few of her favorite things about them. She enjoys not only treating them, but also teaching them and pushing them to pursue their dreams just as she had, no matter what others tell them. She only hopes that more and more children will take her advice and push themselves to become the best they can be; not just for themselves, but for the generations to come.




Cinna's nurturing personality makes her a wonderful nurse, and every patient who comes in knows that they will get the best care possible.

Cinna adores those who are closest to her and will do everything in her power to make sure they are treated with kindness and respect.

She prides herself on keeping her hair up neatly, but when working long hours it ends up being quite the cute messy bun!

She tends to be an overworker, and will spend hours at work, even after closing time.

Cinna wears glasses.




Best Friend

Sage and Cinna are quite the pair, Cinna's love for learning a perfect match for Sage's desire to teach. The two of them are usually together on Cinna's days off, and even after work hours when the day isn't too long. The love going off together into the wilderness, where Sage will show Cinna medicinal herbs for her to harvest.




Nova's love for the stars allows for Cinna to learn massive amounts of astrology from her. The two will go stargazing whenever Nova isn't buried in other space-related work, or not out on a ghost hunt.Even though Cinna is pretty skeptical, she loves humoring her dear friend.




Bakari and Cinna are both very studious and intellectual ladies, and love to share any new information they come across over text when they cannot be together. Their love for knowledge allows for them to always be on the lookout for new research articles and booms in the science field, and helps them relate to each other and find common ground.