Erwin Valencia



5 years, 3 months ago



Erwin Valencia








6’1” ft




Ship Engineer



Erwin is a ship engineer, basically he knows how to operate and fix boats, who’s currently sailing the seas above the surface of Xygoroth with his sailor husband Willie.


Erwin is an energetic, sporty, athletic, and loud. He’s very encouraging and supportive about most things (so long as it doesn’t involve harm to him and his loved ones) and is generally friendly. He’s pretty open-minded.

Surprisingly enough, even though he’s actually good with numbers and tackling a problem hands on, Erwin does lack common sense. He sometimes has difficulty with understanding sarcasm and dark humor.

He also tends to be really honest. Like, sometimes he’s too blunt for his own good. He won’t realize when he’s being insensitive and taking it too far sometimes unless someone tells him. It’s not like he intentionally hurts people, he’s just not aware of this side of him, or at least he doesn’t know when to hold back.

Erwin is very adventurous and loves exploring new places, hence one of the reasons for why he likes crossing the waters for a living in the first place.


Like most Nunukes, Erwin was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense.


Erwin was raised by his two biological Nunuke parents, but grew up on the surface of Xygoroth for all of his life because his parents moved there for a fresh start after getting married.

For most of his life, Erwin’s spent his time up on the surface. During most of his summers as a kid, he’d visit some family down in the underground Nunuke society, but for the most part he was more used to seeing Xynthii residents around rather than Nunuke ones.

His parents were both ship engineers, they lived near the sea, and Erwin’s been following after their footsteps for as long as he can remember.

One day, Erwin became a sailor for the underground Nunuke sealife research department at first after high school at age nineteen, but then he eventually became a ship engineer like his parents after taking some classes and training programs over the winter (there’s always less to do as a sailor during the winter due to the cold climate). He eventually earned his credentials to be one at age 21. That’s pretty much the earliest age that one can become a ship engineer at.

He’s been working as a ship engineer ever since.

He met his husband Willie when they both became sailors and were assigned to the same ship for a while at age nineteen. They didn’t start dating until Erwin became a ship engineer. Since working his ship engineer job, he’s been planning to stick around for as long as they both he and Willie continue to do their jobs.


Before marrying Willie, his original surname was Coyle. He took after his lover’s last name simply because it sounded cooler to say.


aNaHNnd.jpg Willie Valenica

precious hubby

087-A6-C7-E-E964-4-B4-F-A3-B6-01-C20-AD4 Candice Candy

best friend since childhood

Sometimes, once you’ve been on a ship long enough and you finally anchor your boat near the docks, you start to get land sick. Or is that just me?
