Willie Valencia



5 years, 2 months ago


Name Wilbur "Willie" Valencia
Age 29
Height 5'3" ft
Build Androgynous
Species Nunuke
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Homosexual
Residence On Xygoroth's Surface
Occupation Sailor
Worth $15
Designer ink-palette



Willie is very shy and timid, especially at first glance! He's soft-spoken and tends to fiddle with his thumbs when nervous. It takes him a second, but when he does get comfortable with someone, he gets a lot more energetic and less shelled up. He likes to joke around with people he's comfy with!


  • Wing Hair
  • Skin Markings
  • Mixed Pearl Shapes
  • Bigger Pearl Sizes
  • Mixed Pearl Colors
  • Extra Eye (5)
  • Magnetic Area (Head)
  • PomPom Material: Glass Type
  • Other PomPom Shapes
  • Extra Tail Cord (1)
  • Long Ears
  • Different Horn-Eye Amount (6 Eye-2 Horn)
  • Mixed Eye Colors
  • Missing Tail Goop
  • Missing Stinger

Total: 19 Traits


  • Willie's actually a strong boy! He could probably lift twice his own weight. He's used to it since he would help out his parents with transferring cargo onto ships.
  • He enjoys doing origami during his free time.



Willie’s always followed life with a plan!

Ever since he was born, he knew exactly what to do. He grew up and was raised by two sailor parents who would often travel and help around with moving cargo on a ship or dock.

He knew that he wanted to be a sailor just like them. And so, he made it his goal to do just that.

He would even know what to do in social situations. He had plans for those as well! During his school days, Willie would examine how popular people act and just try and mimic their behaviors and actions. It usually worked, and it even gained him a friend named Candice, who he would still be in contact with to this day!

Once he had achieved his dream of being a sailor, however, Willie didn’t know what else to do with his life.

Not to mention, as soon as he had gotten the job, he was assigned to work with this hunky guy named Erwin that he just couldn’t stop staring at.

For the first time in forever, Willie did not have any plans, especially for something as random and sudden as romance.

It was awkward trying to hold a conversation with Erwin at first. Willie was all over the place with him. He didn’t know how to talk to him without giving away the major crush he had on this man.

This... this stunning and gorgeous—oh wow, he was a mess.

After a while, he and Erwin were at least able to develop a comfortable friendship. It stayed like that until one day, a female ship engineer came by to check on the ship’s engine.

And she was doing more than just inspecting their boat.

She also seemed to be inspecting Erwin through batting eyelashes... and quite heavily, mind you.

And while Willie was usually very understanding of many things, he couldn’t exactly accept something like this.

He decided to express his romantic feelings once and for all, before it was too late. It was a stupid and bold move with no real plans behind it, but he’d been living life without a plan for a while now, so that didn’t really matter anymore.

Once Willie had managed to talk to Erwin privately and confess to him, Erwin responded by throwing his arms around him in a big hug and smooch.

His feelings were accepted, and over time, they would eventually progress from being boyfriends to husbands.

Now Willie’s learning how to go through life without plan. For example, he’s started doing origami as a hobby, through a spur-of-the-moment decision, and hasn’t regretted it since.

He was also quite spontaneous with wanting to spend the rest of his life with Erwin, and he will definitely never regret that decision either.


Erwin | husband
Erwin is Wilson's husband. ALL THE HEARTS FOR THE HUBBY!
Candice | friend
Candice is Willie's best friend who he's known since high school! They used to hang out more during high school but they do still keep in touch with eachother!