


5 years, 2 months ago


Male/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

There are several things that are very essential to the make up of who I am. One of them being that I really love Dr. Pepper, as bad as that might be. It's by far my favorite drink and I get really strong cravings for it. I thought about it for a while before I asked Nay, a fellow Dr. Pepper fan, to create a Dr. Pepper themed character for me. And he turned out pretty perfect!

Pep is a hyper and obsessive Toller. He likes to play with just about everything and everyone. Balls, frisbees, tug ropes, plushies, it doesn't matter. He will play with anything he can get his paws on. Because of his high energy, he still wants to play long after everyone else has given up. That's when he resorts to playing by himself, and often gets into mischief. Many tables have been knocked over and lamps broken when he has gone after a runaway toy.

Proud father of four pups with Daisy. Visit Suki or Pip to see them all.