


5 years, 1 month ago


Female/Starfish Pup

species created by Kiboku on dA

Bought from Colonel's 2016 Valentine's Day sale! I loved this little cutie when I saw her. She's a sleepyhead just like me! It was perfect! And I started having all these cute art ideas for her. Rana watched the auction for me, as I was going to be away from my apartment when the auction ended, and ended up winning me this little girl! So excited by this outcome!

Jamma is forever tired. It doesn't matter how much sleep she gets, she can always sleep some more. And she can sleep just about anywhere. Her favorite places to nap are in seaweed beds. Little half finished nest like beds can be found all over the place. Jamma will start building herself a new comfy spot to rest but falls asleep in the middle of its construction. Then, instead of just finishing the ones she's already started, she tries to build another one. And so the cycle continues. 

When she's not napping, Jamma can be found with her ocean dwelling buddies. Some of her underwater pals include fellow Starfish Pups Toast and Puddle and Waterdog Anemone.

Friends with the scuba-diving Mai-Tai.