


5 years, 1 month ago


Female/Puma and White Throated Toucat

Getting Calipso was a bit of a surprise. Alex and I were talking about characters she had designed. I mentioned that I was the only one of our friends without one. Later that day she sent me this! I was so excited! She's beautiful and I couldn't be much happier!

Calipso is a gemologist, meaning she studies gems. Her life pursuit is to find the perfect specimens and examine them. You can often find her in the mines herself digging out a particular jewel. After acquiring new gems, she returns to her home in a secluded valley deep in the mountains. Her home is so secluded that no one can find it unless they have been there before or just happen to stumble upon it. She spends hours in her lab studying her collection. Because she spends so much time alone, Calipso is a bit odd and eccentric when around the public. Since her life revolves around gems so do her conversations. Others easily get annoyed with her, but she doesn't notice. She doesn't collect jewels to acquire wealth, but to bring herself joy.

Calipso doesn't know how the crafty fox found her, but she has started selling of her gems to Jinx. She did so reluctantly, but only so she could afford to continue searching for other precious gemstones.