Alex Miller (Werewolf Form)



8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Alex Miller






Wolf (Werewolf)




7'5 - 8'1" (I honestly have no idea how big he should be but y'know larger than people)


Big & muscular


Nathan Peppers


His human form can be found HERE!
His Wiki page where this info comes from can be found

Grumpy cat? No. Grumpy werewolf? Yes.

Alex Miller is a main character in my novel, Story Beats, who made his first appearance during the play's resurgence Season 5 and is the last main character to be added to the novel. He is a dorky werewolf who often struggles to come to terms with his unique strengths and abilities but does his best to live a normal life.


Alex was never too thrilled about becoming a werewolf but he has learned to accept it and, while he's still fairly cautious about things like shifting or using his various enhanced abilities out of fear that something might go wrong, he's slowly but surely learning to embrace it and enjoy it. After all, he can't deny that his improved physical prowess and boosted vitality are a huge boon. As far as personality goes, his wolf form is essentially the same as his human form, though there are some small differences. Most notable is the fact that Wolf Alex cannot hide his true emotions so he tends to be more playful and affectionate. If he's angry or upset, it's on full display for everyone to see. He's also more reckless and impulsive, not thinking on things too much and instead acting based on his instincts and experiences. An interesting trait is that he tends to annoy rather easily whenever Nathan teases him or cracks jokes at his expense, especially when he's referred to as a dog- something that mildly annoys his human self as well. Of course, his general behavior and control over himself varies depending on the lunar cycle with his wolf instincts being stronger during a full moon and weaker on random nights. Further expanding on his desire to protect those close to him, he can be very protective of Nathan during times of stronger instinct, seeing him as part of his pack and wanting to shield him from harm. This is something that can result in him being hostile to other creatures who get too close. He also cannot speak while in his wolf form, instead being reduced to grunts and growls that sound like he's trying to say something. Thankfully Nathan is able to understand him, though it has never been explained how.


His wolf form is over two feet taller than his human form, standing at 8'2 which is on the tall side for a werewolf. Wolf Alex is very muscular and has gray fur; lighter on his stomach and the tip of his tail. He also has black on the tips of his ears, rather thick eyebrows, and his eyes are yellow, indicating that he is a beta. While not every drawing of him has this, his top two fangs usually stick out of his mouth and hang downwards on either side. He also has the ability to shift into a regular, large wolf on all fours, but this form is one he hasn't had much experience with so it's very rare to see him like this. The tattoo he has in his human form also carries over to his wolf form, making it easier to identify him.

Werewolf Details

Alex is what is known as a "trueblood" werewolf, meaning that he is far stronger than a normal one. He's basically on par with an alpha, having the same level of strength, agility, and even the ability to turn others by biting. Unfortunately, he has often struggled with uncontrollable shifting and may suddenly start transforming at any given time, something that also makes resisting the full moons even more difficult. Thankfully, he has always had good control over himself and rarely fully gives in to his feral instincts. Nathan helps Alex with his training, both physically and mentally, and says that it's his goal to help him be fully comfortable with his other side. While Alex doesn't always understand why Nathan is always so excited to see him in his wolf form, he's definitely happy they're friends and that he has someone he can talk to about the supernatural side of his life.


  • Superior physical abilities including strength, speed, and general resilience against physical harm
  • Enhanced senses including sight (can see clearly in the dark), smell, and hearing
  • Is able to heal extremely quickly from any kind of injury and can't contract diseases (except for supernatural ones)
  • Strong sense of self-control, meaning he rarely becomes a wild animal


  • The usual weaknesses (silver, wolfsbane, etc.)
  • Has trouble controlling his ability to shift and will often do so without warning
  • Tendency to shift at least partially during times of strong negative emotions
  • Can never seem to remember to undress before shifting
  • Sometimes gets stuck in his wolf form and can't shift back for a while