🥭 Mango 🥭's Comments

Hello there! Is this design still available for sale? Thanks either way! 

hello, yes! im happy to trade or give them away. 

I would absolutely adore them!! :D 

transfer pending! just gotta wait for the og designer to approve.

Thank you so very much!! I really appreciate it and I hope you have a lovely evening and happy holidays!! I've loved this character so much and I'm so thrilled to give them a home! 💚😭💚

love this silly sm. what are u looking for :) 

ausgoth (sorry for the possible double ping i just saw below.... 2 years ago lol./... that u had notifs off. so yk <:)

mostly just looking for them to get a good home lol. so id take art or a trade happily.

okok!!! id def be down to offer anyone from here or subfolders (minus brain monster & celestial satyr, srry those guys are new n i need money <:) ) but if u dontsee anything i could do art!! :)

hmm i dont really see any designs im super interested in >:o and i am kinda trying to get rid of designs im not super attached to. so would art be okay??

YA TOTALLY! would u take a fullbody? since this is a fullbody ref & has no additional art etc :-)

yes! that seems fair to me! anyone in this folder youd like to draw? https://toyhou.se/ausgoth/characters/folder:357754

4 Replies

if you'd ever take offers on them pls let me know!!!

dude i literally never saw this because the default setting on toyhouse is for no comment notifications so im checking like all my characters comments now but if you still want this design we could trade or somethin.

oh my god i would die I LOVE THIS DESIGN SO MUCH! just dm me with what you'd want on twitter or something.