


5 years, 1 month ago



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Name Kamul
Alias -
Age 24
Gender Male
Origin Zandalar
Race Zandalari Troll
Class Feral Druid
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Height 9'8"
Build Muscular
Demeanor Rebellious

"I suggest you don't mess with a man with nothing left to lose."

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Social Reserved

Empathetic Logical

Dishonest Sincere

Serious Trivial

Cautious Risky


Write some of their positive personality traits





Write some of their negative personality traits




Skills & Abilities

Skill 1
Describe skills & abilities here

Skill 2
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Skill 3
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Skill 4
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Skill 5
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Item Name
Use this section to describe inventory, such as weapons, armor, accessories, clothing, potions, treasure or anything else

Weapon 1
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Weapon 2
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Kamul stands at a daunting 8'2" his muscular, olive skin is littered with scales and scars, he has particularly deep ones raked across his left cheek and shoulder. His cobalt hair is spiked into a dirty mohawk, it seems as though he doesn't care much for personal hygiene as he's covered head to toe in specks of blood and dirt. The Zandalari's ears are adorned with golden rings and gauges, his tusks smaller than most of his kind but he doesn't seem to mind he is much prouder of his golden markings which resemble the Loa of Death, Bwonsamdi. It's not rare to see this Troll covered in all kinds of bandages, although being a Druid he doesn't care much for healing himself, for personal reasons...


Kamul is a great example of "never judge a book by it's cover" as despite looking like quite an intimidating, battle-worn Troll warrior he's as friendly as a puppy. He loves being the center of attention and is very loud (some might even say obnoxiously so) though he has a great sense of humor and loves to get up to all sorts of mischief, he wouldn't be able to count off the top of his head the number of times his mentor Wardruid Loti vowed to have the Princess exhile him from Zuldazar for the amount of stress he put her through, he always gets away with it though. Overall he's loud, proud and always trying to be the best person he can be, and no one gets to vote on that.

Kamul was born 28 years ago in Zuldazar, an only child to his mother Tefu and father Rakmir. Tefu was a talented druid and healer always lending her aid to the good people of Zandalar whenever it was needed, she was beyond overjoyed when Kamul cast druid magic for the first time. Rakmir was a devoted priest of Bwonsamdi, he taught Kamul a lot about the Loa and the importance of death, he was a lot more reserved than Tefu was but he loved his wife and son deeply. Growing up although Kamul had natural talent for healing thanks to his druid mother and priest father he always dreamed of one day becoming a powerful wardruid who fought for his people, it took years of convincing but eventually his parents finally accepted that their only son wasn’t destined to become a healer like them, at the age of 14 Wardruid Loti took Kamul under her wing as his mentor. Saying that the young troll was a handful would be an understatement, being a growing teen he loved to get into all sorts of trouble and before long had plenty of scars to show for it. On one particular day after sneaking away from training with another young troll he was dared to steal one of the scales of a recently captured Devilsaur. Kamul managed to sneak into the enclosure and approached the Devilsaur while it was sleeping, when he finally managed to pluck off one of it’s scales the beast roared in fury and whipped around, ready to shred the young Zandalari to pieces. Before the Devilsaur could sink it’s jaws into him a nearby dinomancer ran into the enclosure and fearlessly jumped in front of Kamul looking the enraged dino dead in the eyes, after some strict words and a little bit of magic the Devilsaur slumped down to the ground almost as though it was kneeling before it’s master. After watching that terrifying, carnivorous beast submit to the dinomancer like a scolded puppy Kamul no longer had any desire to become a wardruid, from that point forward he began his training to become a talented dinomancer. He was also grounded for three weeks, but he didn’t seem to mind. {col:FF0000}(HEAVY BATTLE FOR AZEROTH SPOILERS AHEAD, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!){/col} {col:FFFFFF}Kamul will never forget that day, he was 26 years of age when Zul the Prophet betrayed the people of Zandalar and it’s king, blood trolls stormed the city and he watched as his world began to crumble around him. The young dinomancer had orders to help evacuate civilians and kill any blood trolls that stood in his way, he did just that rescuing those in need and slaying as many blood trolls as he could before one managed to give him a particularly deep cut along his cheek and shoulder. He used what little mana he had left to stop himself from bleeding out and to give himself enough energy to push forward as his home wasn’t too far ahead. When he got there he found his mother on the ground in a pool of her own blood fighting for dear life, two dead blood trolls lay near her body. Tefu had no strength left to muster any healing magic of her own and his father Rakmir was currently away visiting Nazmir, with neither him nor his mother having any mana left he sat there sobbing as he held his dying mother in his arms. “I can feel Bwonsamdi drawin’ near, it be time for me ta go.” she used the last of her strength to place a gentle hand on her son’s cheek which he cupped fondly in his own, with a loving smile and tears rolling down both their cheeks she rasped out her final words “I am so proud of ya, know dat I love you and ya fatha’ so very much... be good Kamul, Loa be wit’ ya.” Two years after the death of his mother Zandalar felt like a completely different world to him, Zul and the blood troll forces were slain with help from the Horde, King Rastakhan had fallen to the Alliance and his daughter Talanji took his place as ruler of the Zandalari Empire. Rakmir out of grief from the loss of his wife left Zandalar for good and hasn’t been seen or heard from since, the only connection Kamul has with his father is through the Loa of Death, he had offered the Loa his immortal soul and in exchange asked that his father be able to live the rest of his life happy and healthy. Bwonsamdi was more than happy to oblige Kamul’s wishes as Rakmir was a devout follower of his and his death would be more of an inconvenience anyways. Although his heart will always be full of grief from his mother’s passing Kamul wanted to honour her always, so with a smile on his face he began to assist the people of Zandalar anyway he could. After he helped calm a spooked caravan Brutosaur one day he was rewarded with an egg from one of the carvaneers. It took a lot of care to incubate and he almost cracked it at least twelve times but eventually his efforts payed off and the egg hatched into a baby raptor. He decided to name the hatchling Gamba, the tiny dino immediately imprinted on the young dinomancer and ever since that day the two have been inseparable. Today when Kamul isn’t busy working for a particularly prickly Nightborne named Kyriss he spends his days in Orgrimmar, picking up any paying work he can find no matter how insignificant or dangerous it may be, as long as he has Gamba by his side he feels like he can take on the world. Kamul will continue to fight for Zandalar, the Horde and for Azeroth and be the best person he possibly can be, for Tefu.




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