
5 years, 3 months ago


Blind oracle. He sits on the side lines sort of like just like Mori. Oracle doesnt interfere like mori but will bump into manami to steer him in the right path and nudge him forward to follow his own instincts.
Kori isnt a friend nor foe, he has however seen the future and knows things will end in ruin if he doesnt interfere in some way and rather than making a significant change he applies small ones to change the future.
he is very reserved and does not interact well with others due to seeing the future. his ability onely works in two ways. he can see the future of people he touches only in a setting in which he is focused and also in spurts mostly triggered when meeting someone of impotance or something changes. he doesnt always interfere in situations he sees only in thos that are rather terrible and hopefully changeable.
he does work as a fortune teller to make ends meet since he is only half magic and half human.