
5 years, 2 months ago


"An inadvertent paragon; ever wandering in search of purpose, while inspiring it where all else seems hopeless."


Name Nadia
Race Human (HRG)
Weight 480 lbs.
Height 7'1"
Gender Female
Age 17 (Biologically 30)
Affiliation (formerly) Sundown Directive
Activity 2412 - Present
Homeworld Earth
Alternate Names Two
Status Alive


Stubborn, short-tempered, and painfully direct, Nadia might seem like just another brute looking for trouble around the wasteland. But below her rough exterior hides a more understanding, sympathetic side of her that wants to see things thrive and grow in the wasteland; a desire instilled within her by Bill, the old man who found, rescued, and raised her when she was just a lone child on the run from a perplexing past.

Nadia never shies away from a fight, no matter how often petty thugs and raiders obnoxiously pick them with her. Her overwhelming strength and size typically make these incessant scraps more of an annoyance to her than any real kind of danger, but she's certainly never against taking her aggravation out on them with a real, brutal show of her strength nonetheless.



  • Campfires
  • Grilled Meat
  • Exploring Urban Ruins
  • Lizards


Greatest Desire

  • For civilization to connect and grow across the wasteland

Worst Fear

  • Drowning

Primary Goal

  • To find a purpose for herself in life

Deepest Regret

  • Parting ways so soon with Bill


Nadia is a clone from a group of 6 (and just 1 group among many others) created to become agents of the Sundown Directive. During their childhood at the ages of 7, Nadia and her 5 sisters were presented with an opportunity during a training exercise to escape their facility when it was breached and attacked by a large group of raiders, who uncharacteristically attempted a coordinated siege on the hidden building for unknown reasons. Nadia and her group were successfully able to escape the confines of the facility into the wasteland without being seen amid the chaos. The facility sustained only minor damages and no losses other than the escape of Nadia and her group.

During her childhood life within her facility, Nadia (or "Two" before she received the name Nadia) was very competitive and sometimes rather hostile towards her sisters, especially Five. The 2 of them had a performance rivalry that complicated their relationship with each other. If Nadia was ever outperformed by Five during independent survival or combat training exercises, it would only fuel her spite and drive to beat her. Being bested by her in sparring exercises steamed her the most of all. On the other hand, Five enjoyed the rivalry between them and respectfully saw it as an added challenge to push the both of them to improve, even embracing the idea of Nadia outperforming her. Her capability and resourcefulness in lone combat and physical trials were exceptional, but her capacity for effective cooperation was hindered by her competitive nature, reflected in the squabbles that she and her typically assigned field partner Aries (or "Four" at the time) would get into outside and during team training exercises.

Prior to her escape from the facility, Nadia and Aries shared a strong fixation on the idea of freedom out in the world, though not quite for the same reasons. Nadia was more interested in taking on the cruelty of the wasteland as it challenged her, beating it and everything it had to throw at her into submission as she did to solve all her problems. This made making the decision of going through with escaping the facility when presented with the opportunity very easy for her, even knowing the grave consequences that would be in store for her if she were ever caught. When Nadia and her sisters made their escape, the group agreed to split up and go separate ways to keep a low profile and avoid being captured. Nadia eagerly headed Northwest and braved the wasteland that she so desired to freely test her mettle against. But her overconfidence in her strength and resilliance waned as growing hardships in securing proper food and drinkable water for herself began to remind her of her incomplete survival training (and lack of care to retain most of anything during the training). As she came to succumb more and more to dehydration and malnutrition over the next couple months, her outlook on this new life of freedom grew equally grim. While taking a treacherous path to avoid being seen by a nearby settlement, she tripped down an incline from her weakened state and fell into a small ravine, where she would begrudgingly pass out from exhaustion.

When she awoke in the evening, she found herself sitting across from a comforting campfire in the company of a rugged old man with a striking yellow rucksack sat next to him. The old man introduced himself as Bill, reassuring her that he's no threat. Bill admits to have been following her from a distance for a few days, wondering why a little girl like her was travelling alone around such a dangerous part of the wasteland, when he saw her take a tumble into the ravine. Nadia met his story and all of his attempts at probing for information or small-talk with silence or untrusting replies. Yet despite her persistent hostility, the old man remained outwardly friendly. He even offered to travel together to see her off to wherever she needed to go safely, which she would have undoubtedly refused, if not for the food that he generously shared with her being the most delicious meal she had ever tasted in her entire life. Instead, she took advantage of this promise of a steady food and water supply, and feigned a vague destination that he could escort her to, while she would use the opportunity to build her strength back up and figure out what to do with herself next. Though her deep lack of trust would prove to be a hearty hurdle during their journey together, Nadia eventually became accustomed to speaking more openly with the old man, eventually confessing that she had and still has absolutely no idea where she wants or needs to go. He reassures her that he's in a similar kind of predicament, and that he simply goes wherever the path ahead in his life takes him. Just when she had anticipated hostility from admitting to deceiving him, he continued to only show generosity and the desire to keep travelling together until she figured out what to do with herself. Though it would take much more time for her to fully warm up to the old man, this was the first time in her life that Nadia truly began to trust someone.

The two travel together across the wasteland over the next 6 years. In that time, Bill teaches her effective survival skills that she missed out on and valuable general life lessons like a parent to a child. Though reluctant to follow directions from the old man early on, she came to trust and respect him more and more as she grew up. The places that they travel to and from, and the different kinds of people they meet and interact with on the way expose Nadia to all the different ways and walks of life found throughout the world. Their journey and life together broadens her perspective of the wasteland in what she originally thought was just a huge, hostile hellscape to challenge and conquer. The two come to learn more about each other as well, though she always chose to never speak about her origin and escape from the facility that she was created and trained in. He still eventually realizes from her accelerated growth and maturation that she's wasn't just some ordinary abandoned girl after all, but silently respected her judgement to remain secretive about it. It never did impact his drive to raise her like his own daughter, even offering her the name "Nadia" early on when she continuously failed to provide anything for him to call her by. And just like with the old man's unwavering care and hospitality, she eventually came to embrace this name he kindly offered to her as well.

After those 6 years together when Nadia reaches the age of 13 (around 21~23 biologically), she comes to a long-thought decision to go off on her own and carve her own path in life. The old man agrees, admitting that he's getting on in his age and would only slow her down in reaching whatever ambition she finds out in the world. The two have a bittersweet farewell after camping out one last time together at their favorite cliff overlook in the mountains that the two had visited numerous times in the past, and agree to ocassionally return there in the future to etch messages for each other to find into an unmistakable boulder nearby. Nadia parts ways with the old man and sets out on her own to find her purpose in life.

Current Story

Following her departure from travelling with the old man, Nadia continues to roam around the wasteland on her own, seeking any inspiration for a purpose that she can call her own. After making it a habit to visit the boulder atop the cliffside twice a year to check for messages left by the old man and respond with updates on her adventures of her own, the old man's replies mysteriously discontinue after 2 years, with no clues of why indicated in any of his previous messages. Nadia becomes increasingly concerned for the old man with every return she makes to the boulder, only to still find no responses to her or any signs of any activity from him whatsoever. Over the next 2 years and onward, she makes it her goal to keep an eye out for the old man during her travels in hopes of finding him or anyone who may have seen him.


• Despite her temper and brutal tendencies in combat, she refuses to kill in a fight no matter what, a principle instilled on her by the old man. If her beatings, persistence, and intimidation don't work, the worst she'll ever resort to is maiming her opponent to ensure they'll never be a problem again.

• Early on in their travels when Nadia was still young, the old man taught her about his hobbies of wood carving and collecting bottle caps, and encouraged her to find a fulfilling hobby of her own. She decided to take up stealing people's keys. When the old man found out, he got her to compromise to just collecting keys she finds out in the wasteland instead. She still has a keyring from her childhood full of them that she continues to add on to today.


Bill   [Friendly]


Bill was a father figure to Nadia, having taught her how to effectively survive in the wasteland while showing her nothing but compassion and care as he raised her from a child to an adult. Bill opened Nadia's eyes to see the beauty in the ravaged, seemingly hopeless world that they wandered, and instilled a desire within her to preserve that beauty.


Aries   [Friendly]


As children agents in training, Aries was typically Nadia's field partner. The two had a bit of a rocky dynamic where they'd tend to get under each other's skin, Nadia being the competitive hard-ass that she was and Aries being a livewire show-off. But regardless of the difference in nature of their motivations, both were similarly driven by them to give it their all in every task they were presented with. In present day when Nadia came across Aries at Fort Re-Hash, the two had noticeably matured and are able to appreciate each other's company more. Nadia still sometimes feels that Aries talks way too much, and Aries still thinks Nadia can be a real stick-in-the-mud, but they're working on it!


Liberty   [Friendly]


As children agents in training, Nadia was disappointed with Liberty's apathy towards training. It occasionally almost drove her to get on Liberty's case about taking it seriously to encourage actual improvement, which was somewhat uncharacteristic of Nadia during the time. In present day, when Nadia happens to come across Iron Harbor and reunites with Liberty, she's thoroughly imppressed at what Liberty had accomplished with herself thus far, having restored a huge chunk of the waterside town to a pristine state. It made the more mature present Nadia satisfied to see Liberty applying herself to something this ambitious. Part of Nadia even believes that her past-self would have been equally as satisfied at the sight. Since Nadia shares a similar desire as Liberty to preserve and build on the beauty of the world, the two come to deeply appreciate each other.


Eve   [Neutral]


As children agents in training, Nadia had a mental image of Eve as this silent and smug perfectionist that saw herself as superior to the rest of the group, and somewhat resented her for it. Though this was based entirely on speculation, as the two unsurprisingly didn't speak to each other very much. In present day, Eve eventually tracked Nadia down by chance through carefully keeping tabs on Five, who seemingly developed an obsession with finding and fighting Nadia upon their recent first reuinion. Eve's approach in attempting to recruit Nadia to join in her operation of destroying the Sundown Directive was met with mixed feelings and uncertainty. Learning the truth about her creation and initial purpose further complicated Nadia's sense of identity and created another large hurdle to overcome in her journey to find out where she belonged in the world, if anywhere at all. Eve reassures her that she too struggled with accepting her identity while spending her new life fighting to break away from her previous life's conditioning to truly live as a free individual. While the two might still not be openly friendly, Nadia found a new respect for Eve's resolve and development as a person, and her previously negative childhood notion of her was finally put to rest.


Three   [Neutral]


As children agents in training, Nadia didn't think much of Three, only relieved not to be partnered with her. She saw Three's hesitant, nervous nature and codependency on Five during team exercises as signs of irredeemable weakness. Nadia had no sympathy for Three, regardless of whatever reprocussions she was bound to face with her continued underperformance. In present day, Nadia never had the chance to see Three again, but ocassionally wondered what had become of the fear-stricken girl out in the harshness of the wasteland that managed to get the better of even herself. As she matured, she often reflected on the kind of person she was during her childhood training, and did begin to feel sympathy for Three back in the day after all.


Five   [Hostile]


As children agents in training, Five happily participated in Nadia's self-imposed rivalry with her. She appreciated the motivation it gave to the both of them to strive for improvement, as well as the entertainment and excitement that she got out of it. Nadia knew to a certain extent that Five didn't take the rivalry as seriously as she did, which only angered and pushed her even harder to always outperform Five during every opportunity and force her to take it more seriously. In present day, Five and Nadia meet out in the wasteland by sheer happenstance. Nadia doesn't even recognize her at first, being completely different from the Five she knew as a child. Just the sight of Nadia triggers something primal in Five that activates an urge to fight her. The experience of combat with her childhood rival, the only person that she'd ever known to be able to go toe-to-toe with her, resurrected a child-like thrill in Five that became her new drug to escape her ever-present anguish. Nadia, on the other hand, is confounded by the unreal strength and resiliance that Five has somehow gained, and has to give literally everything she's got just to be able to repel and escape with her life from Five's relentless onslaught. Yet Five somehow always eventually finds her again, and immediately resumes the fight as soon as their eyes lock. Nadia worries that she won't be able to keep barely escaping Five forever, and dreads that she might actually have to bring herself to try and kill her, if she even can that is.