
5 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Braun Bronson

AKA: Boss 

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf / Hidden as human.


A charming and charismatic fella who's the sweetheart of his hometown. Everyone there knows his name, and everyone there respects or loves him. A big name there and in towns near by, he's the owner of the biggest grocery store in town, which has recently branched out into nearby towns and cities. He's well known to be a pillar in the community, always helping those in need, and always doing something to help people out. No one can name a single enemy he has in town, and no one can speak of him with ill will. 

That is, on the surface. 

Braun is a werewolf. Not only that, but the leader of his pack. He is feared by other packs, with most respecting him out of complete and utter fear. Has been known to decimate packs single handed, and the only thing giving anyone any hope of him being dethroned is his age. His home town is full of people who are part of his pack, which only adds more to how and why everyone loves and respects him so much. The people who live there, unaware of his true self, love him because they have seen all the good he has done, without knowing if it's true, or knowing of any of the bad his clan helps hide. 

One person who was unlucky enough to meet his bad side, was Viktor Von Dedenroth

Viktor arrived in Braun's town, a runaway, hurt, lost, and taking care of his sickly brother. He was helped by the townsfolk, who introduced him to Braun. Soon, Braun realized Viktor had a lot of potential within him. He gave him a job in town, helped him get a house, and kept a close eye on him. Soon enough, he began to realize Viktor was developing a crush on him, and he used this to get on his good side. 

It was a while later that the two began to date. Braun had realized that Viktor not only had potential to be a powerful part of his clan, but he began to find Viktor very attractive as well. However, Viktor didn't know something about his new lover that Braun had known all his life: Braun was incapable of love. Instead, Braun began to act as he knew all lovers did, and had Viktor head over heels for him. Anything he said went, and Viktor was so infatuated with him, he never once realized that he wasn't a lover to Braun... Instead, the truth came when Braun decided to "claim" him. One night, on a full moon, Braun seduced Viktor, and while they made love, Braun showed his true colors. He transformed into a werewolf, and to Viktor's dismay, he bit him, turning him into one as well. 

However, after Viktor ran away, and a quite serious battle, Viktor escaped. Now, Braun is set in reclaiming his "property", and has sent others in his clan after him. Braun has never been defied like this before. Viktor is his, and whether he likes it or not, he is now one of them. Braun will have him back no matter the cost. He does always gets what he wants anyways.