Jinji Morimiya



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Jinji Morimiya


18-20 years old


Non-binary/Genderfluid/MtF (Accepts all pronouns but prefers "She, her, herself, hers"; is physically male/pre-op)


Mignyan // Fennec Fox

Personality Highlights

Pretentious | Obsessive | Superiority Complex | Condescending | Perfectionist | Philocalist | Vain | Narcissistic | Generous (sometimes) | Elegant | Lavish | Model Student | Intelligent | Witty | Sly | Arrogant | Polite (when necessary) | Bratty (usually) | Mischievous | Scheming | Spoiled | Selfish (mostly) | Insecure


Lawful Neutral


College Student/Botanist/"Magical Girl" (Escort)


Mindwalker (Psychic)


[Coming Soon]


Junko and Jitaro's significant other, Teiji's younger half-sister, Gomi's accidental sister in-law, Maria, Baiji, Kousuke, Kabuto, Yobi and Nui's friend, and Miyuki's acquaintence

Acquired Through



๐ŸŒน Her hobbies include but are not limited to gardening, botany, flora language, swimming, reading, ghost stories, camping, sight-seeing, make-up, fashion, painting, likes visiting greenhouses and aquariums (keeps a small aquarium at home), likes classical music. Her favourite season is spring because of the flowers blooming. Favourite foods include cherries, grapes, grape juice, and hot dogs or pork chops and spicy foods. Favourite animals are pegasi, fish and cats. Favourite flowers are roses because they are symbols of timeless beauty.

๐ŸŒน She has a compulsion to always look in a mirror if she passes one and even if it's the smallest change will always adjust herself (i.e. Brush her hair, fix her makeup, adjust her clothes); carries a compact mirror everywhere just to check her appearance. Fidgets with objects when stressed. She strongly dislikes clutter and is very organized. She gets upset when even the slightest things are out of place in her environment.

๐ŸŒน Her obsession with beauty stems from her dark past. She had been abused by her mother who had a gambling addiction, often times she was denied food and beat since she blamed her for their hardships since she had been focused on school instead of working. In order to pay off her debts and also avoid the abuse she took up work as an escort (not prostitution). In order to get work she had to obsess over her looks and became quite skilled at hiding unsightly bruises with makeup.

๐ŸŒน She is motivated by a desire to be admired, or even worshipped, by all and create a name for herself in history/be remembered.

๐ŸŒน Knows various types of toxic makeup and uses it for her own advantages against others to get her way. Also has a way of using plants/flowers as weapons.
